EXTREMELY LUCKY People Who Avoided CLOSE CALLS! These are the Luckiest people EVER!! Drop a like for more videos like this 🙂
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These people WERE SO LUCKY…
5 MILLY HOODIE YOUTH MERCH OUT NOW! https://t.co/gwc7WodI4g
I think your name is infinite ♾ because you have infinite likes!!! If the thumbs up is blue you think that to!! ?.
i wish i was this lucky because i was wit h my grandparents and i stepped on nail o0oof the pain
I don’t have a cat? but I want a cat
6:19 Photo Shoped
My dad left his phone on the back of the car and it was still there
The camera at the back of the car maybe its fake they maybe put the camera there and take a picture of his or her phone this is just an opinion
I liked so i should be lucky
I'm a kid but I'm not spending money on a shirt!
Today I was soooooooooo lucky I dropped a knife accidentally and it missed my foot
When you said you through it in the dishwasher this is what I think of you————————>STOOPID
I am 8years
5:42 you can obviously tell that thats fake because there is no shadow.
I should be I in the video while I was watching I dropped my phone 6 feet in the air but it landed on a stuffed animal ? ? ? ?? ?
1:12 M Y F A V O R I T E P A R T
I've stepped on a nail ??
Butterfly is the best way to start
Once I was cleaning
I knocked over something with a sharp knife.
It fell and JUST MISSED my foot.
It was LESS THAN half a cen. Away from my foot.
The dark had a face
Buddha0178 l colloquial quizzical voice of 7it 4DJ zr tee tee geywgyeygegrfegrgegetryegeg4y3g
the same thing happened to my mum XD so she was washing dishes and she didn't notice but she dropped a knife and then dropped a bowl (plastic) and saw the knife and called for me and my auntie when we were playing molopaly xD and it was SO close to her foot like meters away from her foot lol
I had a dream but my hole arm got eaten by a shark
Who is watching this 2019_8_21
Ohh yeah just ya know droped a knife near my foot lucky i guess but it HAPPEND 3 TIMES AND THAT TRIPLES MY LUCK TO THAT GIRL
I stepped on a nail and it went through my foot but I missed the bone by less than an inch
I have pet snails
In grade 2 or 1 I cut myself with sizers
7:34 or maybe life lesson dont go to beaches with sharks cmon
I subscribe
the ring is fake the guy just put it on the drain
Why is it bad that your car smells like diet coke??
I have became very unlucky before i got um i don’t wanna talk about it ?
My best friend jade stepped on 3 nails =[
eats french fries? but I am Filipino
I drank acid because
I thought it was water
And I survived
My cosine once got a nail in his food
??? no
900 to dye hair pink or 90,0000,0000,0000,0000,0