via YouTube Capture
Dom told me about the Charlie challenge so we tried it! Watch to see the unreal interaction we had with the hotel ghost!!!
via YouTube Capture
Dom told me about the Charlie challenge so we tried it! Watch to see the unreal interaction we had with the hotel ghost!!!
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That's not true ??
Make bloody mere video
?r fake
Lol hahahahahahahahahhhahahahaha
13:50 u should hv to record in this view so tht we can see
I nevre wach this agina
This video is fake
Ur are just blowing the pencil
alright buddy I'm going to be straightforward with you do you seriously think that we would believe this I mean come on I heard your hands doing something and if I watch it slowly you can see the pencil slowly moving as your hands are making the noise and I am a 100% percent sure that you are doing the whole challenge wrong you should research the challenge and understand how it's done then do it don't upload a video when you don't even know anything about Charlie and at 10:02 I heard a door close and if we go back to the beginning you said you guys were the only ones there I mean do you seriously think that Charlie would go out of his way to hang out with you all day I mean come on seriously you should start doing better editing or you should try to get some real stuff
you should not do that game it's dangerous
it's real but sometimes if you do it wronged it comes after you to kill you so be carefull
Are you using magnet??
l did but for me it's not working
don't do this
انا كمان جربتها بس ما تحركت ليس انتو شو سويتو ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟???????
????? stupid and dum
ask her if she is dead
Charlie want to kill us
will it work if i try it?
guys do you really want to talk with real soul with proof ?
I tried it but nothing happened
is fake ok
8:28 look the board glitches after he asks that question?
He has to say Charlie Charlie
OMG I did it its fucking real
lol oh my god thats fake lol
hi this is realis it
April cordova
this is umm
itu di tiup
so so so so fake
It looked pretty real in my opinion although I would like to know more about the back story
Charlie is real he committed suicide but I don't think the game is real
fake .
The ghost is not real fake the charley chalky challenge when that did than where is the ghost I didn't vein see it there dume guys don't believe a ghost.
i think her name Anns
i wana asked what maked u dead
i wana asked what maked u dead
I'm live wth ghost and they are kind
Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie are you here
they just blow the pencils so we can move
oh my gosh after watching this video i here this bum bum bum p.s. i.am coming
I am very very scared right now
OK I was just thinking out of my friends and family are all set for tomorrow at