The Top 10 scariest supposedly real alien sightings ever caught on tape. Everything from an alien spotted in someone’s backyard to a tape of an alien interview that was allegedly conducted at Area 51. These are some creepy alien videos!
If you liked this Nuke’s Top 5 list about ufo and aliens, you might also enjoy these other scary videos 5 Real Aliens Caught on Tape? The Best Alien Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKihRaDulsE
5 Scary Things Caught On Camera In The Woods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTWk2RSfQ6I
at 3:57 the light disappears into the ceiling, but you can still see its reflection in the top of the camera lens
A petition for top five Arab (bismillah) ghost hunts.
2:49 if that's a homemade "hoax" what a fantastic job. His reaction seems genuine. The area 51 alien is infamous footage and I truly believe that it is 100% real. Great vid Nuke as always!
Top 5 humans caught on tape
Alien – DAD!!!!COME HERE!!!!!
Stop making fun of Bismillah ?bismillah is a arabic word which means In the name of Allah (god)like u all said o my god there is no difference in it.
All CGI bullshit…
Why do these videos pop up on my recommendation at 2 am ?
No 5 looks real….
Lol at 2:50 dude just happens to be walking about in a horse stable with a i.r. camera. The light being naked to the human eye, being forced to look into lcd screen instead of using a flashlight lol. If he was a paranormal investigator it'd be more believable but come on. Like it isn't hard to believe as is already haha
What I Know American People Is Arrogant…..????!!!!!?????
That's Why My Great Grandma & Grandpa Not Allowing If His Family Married American People….!!!
They Said That's Shame, Disgrace, & Curse For Family….!!!
That last video about ken, I know him, I'm his sons friend and I used to live right in front of him lol ?
Aliens aren’t extraterrestrial. They’re inter dimensional
my dad saw one of the “alien” things in this video.. he said it looked like me
Wishful thinking folks.
If anyone thinks that number 5 is a real alien, then I've got some magic beans to sell you. Number 3 has been shown so many times on many YouTube channels over the years, you can do better than that Nuke.
Nice topic like usual ????keep good work
Nuke: "They approach it, but it seems to speed up to avoid them. They said that the thing had several legs, but seemed to float slightly off the ground."
Princess Leia: "An Imperial probe droid."
Han Solo: "It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here."
I'm 99,99999% sure the first brazilian video, the one with the teleport, is fake, the guy holding the microphone is called Danilo Gentili, he is a comedian
Number 5 it has eyes but doesn't have eye lids to blink. It's so similar to us yet entirely different? I don't buy it
On number 7 batteries not included, you can still see the reflection of the object after it goes through the ceiling at 3:57. Looks fake to me.
Is Jonathan Frakes real – or just some clever hoax?
Well if the second one is real then the people who going to raid area 51 on September 20, 2019 will get to meet him!
What makes me laugh is that it mostly all American and we know what they are like for faking things and making everyone else out to be wrong.
In Uk we don’t seem to care anymore about aliens but the USA seems as though it’s something big
Indeminsional my ass….some stupid gypsies that need to be sent off to hell.
aaaaaayyyyyyy lmao
@3:58 when the light disappeared into the ceiling the light it “reflects” still remains at the top of the video. This light moves around following the movements of this “ufo of light”. What is that reflective light at the top portion of the video? Why does it remain when the ufo disappears?
Nuke's Top 5 just wanna thank you for making some awesome interesting videos, i literally watch your videos for hours some days. i might have watched all your videos tbh lmao crazy thing is i never realized that im not even subscribed!! well that changed today for sure!
7 – A tiny toy drone?
The 4 video was fake it was a firefly
#1 not interdimensional cause it has a shadow, i think its a phantom
Floating thing is harry potter learning a new spell
2:13 alien beside horse, 2:57 that could have been a mask because it looked like it was wearing a shirt
Howard the alien confirmed
on the very last clip, i have seen the same kind of thing poke its head through my ceiling and look around and go back like.mthese aliens are real and theyre out there and its creepy as hell because apparently they can go through walls solid objects etc
Ah ha ha
I like the first video, I don't buy victors video, the medical staff don't wear much protective gear
Area 51 special video coming soon? ?
One I'd like to see again…I only saw it once in the late 80s or early 90s on A CURRENT AFFAIR.
A guy was filming a light in the sky outside his house. He is clearly focused on the light and talking about it and unnoticed by him a shadow passes a lit window in his home…the shadow was shaped like a grey.
So aliens don’t blink then???
First clip when the kid points the camera towards himself and all i can here is "Hi my name is tray and i have a basketball game tomorrow"
Bro, the number 6 is a joke made by a TV program, and is pretty old :v
number 1: invader zim came out of my tv
Alien invasion starts ?
Nuke top 5: Do you think it's a elaborate hoax? You decide
The one with the tattoo guy looked more like a halloween haunted house prop than anything else.
The face itself never budged the tiniest bit, and nothing about the position or movement came close to realistic.
11:42 that's Deadpool brah….