A man was caught on camera leaving old TVs on people’s front porches
But Why? News – https://bit.ly/2P2Pgnn
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• Hosted by Tiffany Del Real
• Commentary by: Wax, Nikki Limo, Joe Jitsukawa, Bart Kwan, Geo Antoinette
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I'm 16 and I relate to the antenna and nintendo stuff. My younger sister doesn't though.
Pretty cool that Tiff and Case met at a Wax concert and now he's on JK
wtf geo is dumb. giraffes have the strongest necks, they literally fight ea other with em
lol poor giraffe XD
Lmao! The memories
Geo, I love you, but no…Giraffes fight by swinging their necks like wrecking balls against one another. Not even close to being "dainty", my friend…
Without Hat and With Glasses he Looks like LP lead Singer Chester Bennington
If you're broke enough, you still know what messing with a tv antenna is like
Dantiest neck????
Joe sounds like true neighbor trusting southerner.
Geo, that giraffe neck is very strong. It fights other giraffes for dominance with that neck
Wax: "You know they said no one ever flew planes into buildings…. whispers before 9/11"
I died at this part ?
My idiotic brain kept trying to remember where i saw wax before…
.. giraffes fight with their necks..?
Am I the only one who knew exactly what song Nikki was referring to? For those who wanna listen: Flight of the Conchords – The Humans are Dead. This actually used to be my jam hahaha. What a trip down memory lane…
I think this was one of my fave jknews eps. It wasn't like one funny story to crack me up but instead consistent moments throughout that made me smile.
Joe's logic shake the tv to be sure it's bomb free?
They Do This Every Year ?
For everyone who disagrees with geo on giraffes necks are Morons. Giraffe necks are weak af.
Yo man those are nice FLCL cosplays
Bruh in Henrico ?
a good half of this video described me staying over at abuelas house
Geo is so funny in this episode
Remember using foil or standing for a while holding the antenna just to watch ur show.
When nikki goes full nerd, god steve got a good one and I used cotton swabs to clean my old Nintendo shit after blowing the dust out. Lastly Geo watch giraffes fight your mind will change on how vulnerable the neck is
I'm removing the dust from my giraffe
Ahhhhh Wax is back!!!!
Giraffe battle with their neck…
Its not a prank as it costs to recycle….
I’m not gone hold you, I would of brought the tv in too.
I'd take that old TV to a gun range or sledgehammer it…