The wild shall remain wild.
Tweets by ZoochosisCOM
Written, Directed and Edited by Patrick Scott
A Zoochosis Production
Produced by Hans Van Brill, Sophia Dilley, Kevin Lee and Nikos Bellas
Executive Produced by Patrick Scott and Ryan Nicholson
Cinematography by Daniel Ainsworth, Peter Soto, Andrew Crighton and Diego Diaz
Full Cast/Crew List:
Music for this short can be purchased by clicking the link below:
*All music proceeds go directly to artist(s).
Очень жесткое видео! Но финал понравился ?
Some deep political meaning behind this , das Ist gud
esta muy dañados
watch out for side pony
amazing, yeah!
Too stupid. I am a dog lover.
I laughed so hard I pulled a muscle in my chest lol
The funniest vid ever
Dogs have instincts and will eat you if they are hungry, they are only tamed and not wolves cause we feed them and they are happy. Humans will kidnap, murder and do violence portrayed here by the violent stereotype of soccer hooligans. We are all wild animals pretending to be tame. Pretty good vid. Also kicking small dogs is funny as shit as well as the after effects used. Good video
Бедные собачки
¡¡no entendi!!
Кто вам лайки ставит, больные вы ублюдки?
18 fuk
Fuck yeah Prussia GLory march!
It looks like those dogs didn't eat for 7 days.
O… M… F… G… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Глоток свежего воздуха!!!
this remind me of far cry 4
What's sport and who needs rescuing?
Whats with you lot and kids lol
хм…..видимо собак не любят…….и детей)ну логично.я тоже.и спорт
Ну и крипота….
i was allways dreaming about kicking one of those ugly rat-dog-fuckers (chihuahua…or whatever) this video is oddly satisfying…
апчем видео? кто нибудь понял?
I should go to bed…
This has nothing to do with animal rescuing at all!! ??
Make the world BURN ! Keep up the good work , I really really like your videos 🙂
So, they're soccer players… yeah, I'd be afraid if they were zombies.
I like the Zoochosis videos, but they can get pretty weird.
fuck zoochosis
What a fuck?
Total crap i'd say
guys just read the description. It says *the wild shall remain wild* it explains the point of the video.
这个片子是拍给中国爱狗人士的吧 哈哈哈哈哈哈
2:43 This guy just can't have a peaceful day, can he?
Excellent job :-)))
Круто снято, но сюжетная линия с трудом как-то просматривается
Wtf ! You…made my day !