Official Dora and the Lost City of Gold Movie Trailer Compilation 2019 | Subscribe ➤ http://abo.yt/ki | Isabela Yolanda Moner Movie Trailer | Release: 9 Aug 2019 | More https://KinoCheck.com/film/yep/dora-and-the-lost-city-of-gold-2019
Having spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, nothing could prepare Dora (Isabela Moner) for her most dangerous adventure ever – High School. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots (her best friend, a monkey), Diego (Jeffrey Wahlberg), a mysterious jungle inhabitant (Eugenio Derbez), and a rag tag group of teens on a live-action adventure to save her parents (Eva Longoria, Michael Peña) and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost city of gold.
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) is the new family movie starring Isabela Yolanda Moner, Justin Joseph Bieber and Jeffrey Wahlberg.
Note | #DoraTheExplorer #Compilation courtesy of Paramount Pictures Germany. | All Rights Reserved. | #KinoCheck®
I saw it twice this week… I plan to watch it more soon… Because this is my favourite film… And I'm 14 years old… But I'm not surprised… The show was literally my life when I was younger so…
I love Boot, nice
If she didn't sing we did it at the end, i swear i–
Me and my mom wanted to see this and we did. I love it
Oh, so the lost city of gold is true, okkk
looks like a stupid movie
4:54 NANI?!
lion king and Aladdin are better live actions movies
"Excuse me, I am kind of stuck". ? ? ?
Does anyone have a link for this to watch
I watched Dora and the lost city of gold
I’d be saying adios when I’m watching this movie 5 minutes in.
Dora is cute i like here
I actually like this one better than the tomb raider movie. It’s stupid but a lot of fun. And when I was watching, I imagined she was Nathan drake’s daughter where they are old. And the jungle puzzles are more like uncharted games too.
Dammit I’m attracted to Dora the Explorer
Yesterday I saw this movie and my favorito part was dora yend un to cartón ????
Best part was when they became animated lol ?
Ariel winter
I just watched the movie and, holy cow it’s amazing. It’s very funny indeed and I recommend watching it.
If you really watch this trailer. You'll see Swiper. Movie is playing now. Going to see it
ഡോറ ??വരൂ കൂട്ടുകാരെ
ഒന്നിച്ചു നമുക്ക് പോകാം
ഒന്നിച്ചു നമ്മൾ പോയാൽ ശ്രെമിച്ചാൽ വിജയം നമുക്ക്
Boots is so cute????????????????
I just watched it and I ❤ it!!!
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) film Available miniuri.com/6al?ybn
The best way to describe this film is by saying it's like a PG tomb raider.Very adventurous movie for the kids!! Perfect family outing idea
A city of gold on Earth not already discovered? Hmmmm…Very doubtful. Have fun playing pretend though kids.
4:55 in the trailers of what I see this guy who said "Excuse Me" is my favorite!
0:18 On my list Swiper is an Anti-Hero but if He is on the bad guys side then in this movie he is an Antagonist!
spoiler the guy with them strips nude NO JOKE
I have seen it i highly recomend it
this is gonna be a NIGHTMARE!!
Boots: Ahhhhhhhhhhh…….
In his mind; *life flashes before his eyes, "dammit, how did I end with this crazy chick."
Dora was my CHILDHOOD heh I know her. SHES DORA. Hola! Soy Dora!
0:43 Oh my gosh! Boots actually has boots in this movie and at 0:20, that frog takes me back for when I watched a Dora the Explorer episode where Boots and Dora helped a cute coqui.
I'm gonna tell my friends and there gonna be hysterical
" oh look Dora brought a knife on the feild trip everybody "
literally my favorite part but you probably don't give a shiii* But like if it's your Fav part
Is it just me or is boots way way to CG and not real enough
I never thought dora would be hot ?
Its cool
Boots is really cute! And Isabela Moner so pretty and beautiful!
May I ask,Where is Diego's animal friend A.K.A Baby Jaguar?!
…This is actually real? This is a real thing? Are you fucking kidding me?