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donate here-https://streamlabs.com/wolfgamer#0
no sub for sub
I will put more time when i done with school May 30 2018
like comment and subscribe,share
Psn name-minecraftgamerandg326 and wolf gamer
original video-original videos-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0jzs5ep7TM&index=10&list=WL – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOQa2xIAH04&list=WL&index=9
1.)subscribers goal- 250 dye my hair blue
2.)subscribers goal-500 make my own play button
3.)subscribers goal-1,000 show off my old school
4.)subscribers goal-2,000 maybe start Vlogging
5.)subscribers goal-2,500 Thank you video
Thank you all getting this video 1,000 views ??
Oh yeah yeah