Occurred on August 29, 2019 / Mons, Belgium
“I saved a little cat in the middle of the road in Mons, Belgium. A man helped me. The cat was very afraid. But now, it is good.”
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annnddd you're adopted
Mec, tu as tout mon respect.
Poor thing was scared shitless
Give Bikerdude the Medal-Of-Kittehonor!!!
This was the softest video I have seen in my life.
You are a hero and should feel like one
My eye lubrication systems are fully working apparently.
The kitten is your friend meow.
We need stricter control on assault kittens. People can get hurt if they get hit by one.
God BLESS that guy!
What did you do with the kitten tho?
My heart warmed up !!!
You are good person! Thanks for that!
humanity restored
Empathy , it is one of natures greatest gifts.
who kept the cat? the biker or the driver?
Well done gentlemen!!
Cat omg!
amazing how you could see that it was a kitten in that speed.
I wish I could buy you a BEER!
In Navajo culture, a yee naaldlooshii (he/she who walks on all fours, also known as a skinwalker) is a type of harmful witch (depending on the version of the legend, he/she may or may not be human) who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.