This is a tribute to those who have died all too soon. ALL DISRESPECTFUL COMMENTS WILL BE REMOVED AND THE USER WILL BE BLOCKED!!! I AM NOT JOKING!! I didn’t make this.
This tribute includes very rare footage including alternate angles of J.D. McDuffie’s, Buren Skeen’s, Gonzalo Rodriguez’s, Toru Takashi’s, and Dale Earnhardt Sr.’s crashes.
Drivers in video:
Floyd Roberts
Mark Porter
Blaine Johnson
Blaise Aelxander
Buren Skeen
Butch Lindley
Chad Coleman
Charlie Jarzombek
Corky Cookman
Don Williams
Eddie Sachs & Dave MacDonald
Eric Martin
Marco Campos
Gonzalo Rodriguez
Friday Hassler
Gordon Smiley
J.D. McDuffie
Jim Malloy
John Dawson-Damer
John Nemechek
Juluis “Slick” Johnson
Keith O’dor
Marco Rias
Neil Bonnett
Paul Dana
Stefan Bellof
Rick Baldwin
Toru Takashi
Scott Brayton
Sonny Arnett
Tony Roper
Russell Phillips
Dale Earnhardt Sr. (Onboard)
Song: Metallica – The Unforgiven
tyler was a bully
Dale Earnhart Not R.I.P He is Ok
Not Ganzalo rorigouse This is Gonzalo Rodriguez
I disliked som vids becouse of the hate! I wanted to comment on the thang NASCAR umm… Dales death but u no put comments down so sorry
Don't take for granite the people you love. Love them like it would be your last day with them. One day it will be.
The dark side of chocolate.
I have worked at AMA Superbike Races,And have been on the corners when this has happened.So I have seen this upclose and personal. RIP drivers&riders.GOD SPEED
2:55 gonzalo Rodriguez (gonchi) de uruguay muerte en laguna seca
You didn't make this. but the grammar on the names is horrible
thank God for SAFER barriers and no more racing to the yellow
heros will never be forgotten. R.I.P
That's a lot of deaths for a sport.
240p videos are the dark side of youtube.
February 18, 2001 was the happiest, yet saddest day in NASCAR history. Can't believe it's been nearly 15 years since his crash. RIP
The drivers are:
Floyd Roberts(1949)
Mark Porter(2006)
Blaine Johnson(2003)
Blaise Alexander(2001)
Buren Skeen(1965)
Butch Lindley(1986)
Chad Coleman(1992)
Charlie Jarzombek(1984)
Corky Cookman(1987)
Don Williams(1989)
Eddie Sachs e Dave Macdonald(1964)
Eric Martin(1999)
Marco Campos(1995)
Gonzalo Rodriguez(1999)
Friday Hasser(1969)
Gordon Smiley(1982)
Jim Malloy(1972)
John Dawson-Damer (2010)
John Nemechek(1997)
Julius"Slick"Johnson (1985)
Stefan Bellof(1989)
Rick Baldwin(1990)
Toru Takahashi(no takashi,1990)
Scott Brayton(1993)
Sonny Arnett(1987)
Tony Roper(2000)
Russell Philips(1998)
Dale Earnhandt S.r(2000)
Rip Jamie Mcgruffy, the boards got the best of him
Why do people ruin their videos with music?
Dan Wheldon rest in peace. Left a wife and two children God bless them.
One thing I don't like about IRL is that they'll stop a race because a driver dies. Generally, NASCAR and Formula 1 will race on (with exceptions).
It's funny (in some twisted way) that you conjure up this list of professional drivers who have died, even though you mispelled half of their names. I'll let you slide on not mentioning Dan Wheldon because his was more recent and I could let you slide for not showing any respect for Dale Earnhardt. But you failed to mention perhaps one driver whose death matches Earnhardt's on impact and mourning in globally. That driver I'm referring to is Ayrton Senna, aka one of the greatest if not THE GREATEST Formula One driver of all-time. This video was made with hardly any effort. A sixth grader could conjure up a better memorial video than this.
How dost chad coleman die ?
4:47 Matias Rico 🙁
I understand the rush from speed. It's in my blood, also. I was lucky enough to dodge the bullets from street racing my Nighthawk in the early '90's. Very stupid of me. I have the utmost respect for the people that choose to race for a living. Peace to all…
3:00 Wrong name. Correct one: Gonzalo Rodriguez, from Uruguay.
Can anyone say HANS device
WARNING : Filmed with a toaster
2:53 anyone ever notice hes looking straight at the camera ?
R.I.P Dale
Many probably don’t realize but most (if not all) of those crashes made driving in cars safer for all of us.
R.I.P Every driver in the this video you died doing something you loved
It is kind of terrifying that some of these men had just enough time to SEE the car that was going to kill them. They thought "It is just another crash." But then they saw it coming, like at 2:33, I wonder if they had accepted it by then or did they die in horror. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner ;_;
Is there any footage of Jason Leffler's death?? If so can you post it?
Not disrespectful, But many names are wrong-spelled:
Blaine Johnson*
(Not Blain)
Butch Lindley*
(Not Lindly)
Charlie Jarzombek*
(Not Jarzembek)
Eddie Sachs*
(Not Sache)
Gonzalo Rodriguez*
(Not Ganzalo & Rodrigouse)
John Nemechek*
(Not Nemecheck)
Kieth O'dor
(Not Keith & Odor)
Marco Rias was involved in the accident, But he didn't die, But Matias Rico Died in that accident.*
Neil Bonnett*
(Not Niel & Bonnet)
Toru Takahashi*
(Not Takashi)
Sonny Arnett*
(Not Sonney)
Russell Phillips*
(Not Russle)
But 50% of the crashes was wrong-spelled, And it's not acceptable.
"Marco Rias" is actually Matias Rico…
to all the drivers who died doing whar they loved doing-you will never be forgotten rest in peace till we meet again
If i could have a say in how i'll go, it would be doing what i love the most…
jesus…who was the dude that just PLOWED into Eric Martin @ 2:34?…how the fuck does he not see him?..its fucked up too is Eric had 2 near misses…then here comes #3…WHAAAAM…
Also, the drivers know the risk, but most is the problem on the accident the track safety. When you look at formula 1 and the history
Many of these deaths are not in vain. The research that is done to keep making the high speed racers safer gets put to use in mainstream auto manufacturing saving thousands of lives every year.
It seems like half of these were from cars being hit that had wrecked and come to a stop in the racing line and another driver plows into them. A lot of these look like they were instant death, too. By the way, the crashes are spectacular and fun to watch, but no one ever says "Wow, it's so cool when someone crashes and gets hurt or dies!" and no one says that because it's not cool. When someone dies, it ceases to be "cool" and said crash is looked at in an entirely different way. Some of these are just brutal… and I have no desire to watch this again.
I love all Motorsports… I don't love how this happens though. It PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF when people say "the only cool thing about racing is the crashes"
Yeah, cause its 'cool' when this happens….
fucking retards…
mostly lame
r.i.p to all tthese people