Every once in a while we hear about some weird creature that was seen or caught somewhere in the world: a fisherman almost caught by chance a monster, or someone saw a giant human footprint in his garden. However, we tend to take it with a pinch of salt, because, you know, some people just love to make this kind of jokes. But the authors of the next videos were lucky enough to have a camera with them to catch the monsters on tape. So maybe scientists can give us now some logic explanation of this alarming footage, otherwise they would have to admit that these unknown creatures actually exist. So, here are 5 mystical creatures that were captured on camera.
Hahaha ? flying spaghetti
If you even found a creature would you win 10 trillion dollars if you found monster verse ghidorah 3:53
I cannot stop laughing at the thumbnail.
The 1st creature was genie from Aladdin.
2:57 its a hairless sun bear look it up
ITS A CLOTH FLIGHING.2.the weird monster in the water is just chi and the FLIGHING spaghetti monster is fake it's just a species and the big fake human animal is c.g.l and don't believe in weird things and there is no God exeptThe God in heaven who created the world and people it's not fake gods who created us it's the God of heaven
Im from iceland
It is called a hairless drop bear
Half dolphin half human scientists experimenting again
Someone TOUcha My Spahget!!!
I-im n-n-not s-s-s-scerd. ??
Veterinarian Silje Robertsen, her caregiver at the Matang Wildlife Center where she was taken after being rescued, says the bear is suffering from a mite infestation, skin infection and moderate anemia, leaving her in a weakened state, the Malaysian Star reports.
Despite all she's been through, she continues to make improvements.
"As of today, the animal is alert, able to climb and to eat normally," the Sarawak Forestry Corporation said in a statement. "In the meantime, her treatment will continue based on a carbohydrate-rich diet with food supplements, antibiotics and protein."
… Who knows. I think they killed the damn bear and just gave a fake story… Who knows
I feel so bad for the hairless bear ?
S c p 0p
Infected dog
That thing on the thumbnail looks like a mix between a beluga whale and a human
I thought they said Tokyo Japan if that happend then The Godzilla movies wont exist
Thanks for wasting time
At 2:38 it was a ran over version of a chupcabra
It was Casper the ghost
The thumbnail creeps me out ;-;
Anyone else feeling creeped out but mostly curious wanting to discover something yourself
https://youtu.be/cRQanPU2Fk8?t=157 is a sick bear cub. That's actually pretty sad to see.
The third one needs to be let free
I think it is a alien but it could shape-shift
the one that had a cage and (almost) eaten the cage was only a baby hungry bear
Flying spaghetti monster.
Is underwater
I saw that white thing to
Spaghetti monster really come on ??
Tjat video lol
I knew here would be xd
CHUPACABRA confirmed