Animal hoarder leaves parrots & dogs to die broke my heart when I received the tragic news. Several different parrot rescue and animal rescue were called to take in the unfortunate victims. Niko, the cockatoo, was the only one left behind. Luckily Victoria Huffman from Animal Alliance of San Diego heard the sad news taking in a dog and Niko. Animal Alliance rescues all kinds of scaley and furry pets, but parrots were a whole new thing. It was an honor that Victoria reach out to me and ask if I could help with Niko’s journey and the other birds she had recently rescued from the shelters. I can’t thank everyone enough who donated to Niko’s medical fund! ??
Thank you Animal Alliance of San Diego for allowing me to film this video and rescuing 3 beautiful birds, giving them the best Life possible!
?Donate and Help Animal Alliance of San Diego??https://www.animalalliancesd.org/
??Thank you, Dr. Todd Cecil and Staff, at La Mesa Pet Emergency Specialty Center
?Adopt Don’t Shop?
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
#animalrescue #adoptdontshop #FlockPower
???My Mission in Life is to Raise Awareness of the Parrot and Animal Crisis and Help END the suffering!
? Parrot and Animal Rescue Series ?
Honestly I can't understand why people get birds when they know that they can't handle them. I mean you buy a living creature and the first thing you do is put it in a cage and lock it up? Seriously?! In my opinion birds are the most beautiful living beings that are existing on this planet..we need to change something otherwise they might not exist anymore in the future..
I will never understand why these cowardly people can act like this with birds (and other animals). It's easy, too much easy to abuse someone smaller or younger than you. Someone who can't defend himself, who can't run away, or fly away, 'couse is a prisoner. Plus someone who loves you, belongs to you. How is it possible to abuse someone who looks at you with those eyes asking " why you do this to me? Just WHY?". I know these ugly people have an ugly past life themselves, I know they need help, I know abusing is a compulsive behaviour to ask for help. But, believe me, it's always so hard to me to understand this acts.
April and Victoria, and everyone does his best to stop the beast in humans, will always have my love, my deep respect, my admiration and my economic help.
You keep love alive, keep love in circle in this world.
Thank you all, for this.
All the best for you and your animals.
I'm crying while writing.
My greatest hugs and my greatest respect from Italy. Love you for ever!
Bless y’all. Sooo sad. I hate seeing baby cockatoos for sale.
It might be a dumb question, but why not just keep his name Nico? I just love the video. Is there a rescue you know of that I could volunteer at? I live in Los Angeles and usually have Tuesdays or Thursdays off.
?. Very heartbreaking.
April thank you for all your hard work.I would love to donate but I need to make sure at least some of the donation goes to the birds.I was burned by Pebble's owner and I don't want that to happen again.
Why do people think it's ok to just let these animals suffer instead of surrendering them, that's a better thing to do than just neglect them. Good thing we have people like you to care for these animals, no creature deserves to be put through those types of horrors
Awwe. So sad. It's like he has PTSD. But they know they are in a better place now.
Thank you for helping these birds! They are so delicate and need the toys and interaction you giving them! Hope the hoarders were jailed for their total neglect!
Great work!
You are my hero. Thank you. I have thought about getting a cockatoo for the last year. I had no idea this abuse and abandonment was going on. I WILL RESCUE AN ADULT BIRD ONLY and thank you for educating me and others. You rock.
My friend of 25 years does rescue
I’m sorry but that bird screaming in the back ground was awful! For anyone buying a bird or rescuing a bird. Ask yourselves this….could you listen to that bird in the back ground everyday or possibly multiple times a day for many many years? Think really hard! F.Y.I Being grown enough to know you couldn’t handle it makes you a good person not a bad one!
Prince….. he’s adorable ?
Hoarders need to be in a psych hospital. And if they abuse animals, jail time.
I love all birds but cockatoo's are my favorite. I don't even mind the screening. Just looking into their eyes and I fall in love with them. My sulfur crested cockatoo fallows me everywhere. Niko is so adorable and I can tell he is a really sweet bird. It really irritates me when people just give up on animals. Especially birds, they scream for a reason. I think if someone is thinking about getting a bird they need to visit a rescue and spend some time there. They need to see and hear what they are getting into.
Loved your video! You should look up Marlene mc'cohen she is an avid rescue and engage not cage is her # . Also I couldn't hear you very well on this video.
Niko just wants love ???❤️❤️❤️ Such a sweet boy! Soooo glad he was rescued! You girls are doing such an awesome job !
What a wonderful job you've done. I cried the whole time as I watched, just thinking about what they had been through. I never heard what happened to the dogs that were listed in the title. God bless you ? and those poor angel babies. Keep posting please!♥️
I like the name 'Hero' and that's what this little guy is a Hero!! He needs a strong name he can grow into while working on his courage and new freedoms.
I get this is sad but the way he was "cuddling" with him at the start was adorable.
Wish I was closer I could adopt one permanently ❤️
Thank you for being so awesome. Truly an example of what we as a species should strive for.
You're so good with them! Bless you to the moon and back for doing this for them! True angels!
This is…hard to watch. I wish people would stop breeding all these parrots.
You folks have such kind souls. Cockatoos are so sensitive and intelligent. People don't understand that. Lucky you have a compassionate avian vet!
As I watch all the amazing videos that people post of their birds I often think how many people will want to get a bird. It saddens me to think any animal doesn't receive all the love and care they need.