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Watch two of Africa’s most venomous snakes in a death match. A black forest cobra tries to make a meal of a puff adder in this video filmed by Micheal Eastman in Tanzania, East Africa. Eastman captured this rare footage during his African travels in 2003.
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I know that cobras eat other snakes
Muslims Dont Like Cobras
this was a one sided beat down. The other snake did nothing
Adder is smart defender.It never allow any predators to grab
Was hoping both would lose
Live by the fang, die by the fang.
How wud u know , cobra killed puff ??
It is tine that hunting was banned. Hunters have never grown up, we cannot let these overgrown kids kill our remaining wildlife.
dude pumped his opponent full of venom…
slow painful death for adder!
Seems everytime a Puff Adder runs into another snake the Puff Adder dies.
That's pitiful, poor puff…y did he did so quick? And didn't puffs venom do anything to the cob?…thats sad! I dnt like snakes, scared to death of em! But i am a animal lover and I think its sad and wrong to cage anything especially if its ment to b wild!
There’s no such thing as a poisonous snake. Snakes are venomous that inject with fangs. If they were poisonous, a mere touch would kill their opponent, which isn’t the case.
Not poisonous, but venomous
That’s a black-necked spitting cobra not forest cobra
The king cobra is one of the most dangerous variety of snake and also known as king of sankes …….mostly found in India
Its indigo snake
Unless something else ate it.
Puff adder a pussy
That’s a blue indigo against a rattlesnake. No cobras or puff adders. Nice try dumbass
Great stuff n vid and pics ta !!!
Nice meal for the cobra but why did the adder not bite back if it had of the cobra would have died too as puff adders are deadly poisonous. The cobra must have killed it with the first bite, why did it feel the need to have multiple bites at the Puffy. I suppose it wasn't going to take any chances can't blame it one bite from the adder and you are stuffed.
the blue snake coulnd have digested the rat anyways its a frog fukker whe the vipe digesys tah rat if blue boys arund itll be in piececs the v blue snakes the gutless cunt t6at hits people vintoxicated wgho whe not so drubknk woild smakk the fukk out of them
what haappened here is what happens wen u go shopping just as your about to park sum smuck takes yr spot thid viper got the rat and the blue bitch missec its parking spot roagd rage snakes
as for all the comments about a snake is not poisonous its venomous…STFU ALREADY..
gosh you'll just learnt the difference the other day from another youtube video now you'll are coming to act clever here…again Pleeez SHUT DA FUCK UP…ASSSHOLEZZZ
but good for the puff adder atleast it can feel how it is to be killed by a poisonous bite
thats a huge cobra
That cobra look like the Blue Indigo snake of Southeast USA
So what would have happened if the puff adder tagged the cobra?
You can't do that to the king…(KING COBRA's) ? ???
So black it actually looks blue
That snake was bullied
very nice snake fight