Dog's skull exposed from life-threatening wound

Dog's skull exposed from life-threatening wound
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We got a call that a terribly injured street dog was hiding in a construction site. A horrific wound had made a hole clear down to his skull and the tissue was consumed by maggots. We weren’t sure we could save him, and with each minute his chances for survival dimmed. Thanks to donations from supporters, watch what weeks of treatment and love did to help this brave boy in his fight for life.

Please donate. Because someone precious needs you now:


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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. Why such cruelty ?
    May whoever who tortured this and other innocent animals go to hell and may his/her or their skull is also broken cracked opened by someone or any accident by God ?

  2. Not only your videos show your love and compassion towards animals they also demonstrate what actually modern science is capable of. I never could have imagined that a dog like this could have survived. But well… You guys are master of your trade. Great job guys.

  3. Without you this dog could have died.I know I'm pretty late to this video but I don't mind.I could barely look at this with a calm face.People are out here commiting crimes when they can help badly injured animals

  4. You guys should set up a wed page to try and get people to donate so you always have what you nèed for these precious animals. If you do let me know and I will be the first in to give money to your bcause . GOD BLESS YOU AĹL SO MUCH ND THANKYOU KINDLY FOR ALL YOU DO. INCREDIBLE!!!!

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