Real Ghost Caught on Tape (Plays Piano in Church)

Spread The Viralist

My buddies find a chapel in the woods and see and are chased by a real black ghost…Scary stuff!!


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About the Author: 4runneral


  1. Si a mí me pasará eso yo primero me caigo del susto segundo me pondría a llorar tercero con la primera cosa que encuentre me llevo a puños con el ? wey pero es verdad pero no me armaría de valor para escapar si a los minutos el fantasma me está siguiendo solo espero a que este de día y ya dale like si hará as una de las cosas que acabe de mencionar pero si denle like por qué me demore escribiendo todo esto :v

  2. This is the most bullshit 'ghost' video I've ever seen; you're a fucking moron if you even considered the idea of it being real

  3. Ghost: I like these 2000's guys. I'm alone and I'd like some friends to pass the time. Being dead sucks you know?. You have no friends anymore and shit. This is a good moment to show them my piano skills. 😀

    Guys: OMFG! Let's get the fuck outta here. There's some ghostly piece of shit playing the piano :S

    Ghost: Hi guys. Nice to meet you :D. I'm Claire. What do you think about my piano skills? Do you know I was a …..

    Guys (*scaried as hell and getting out of the church*) RUN RUN. XO

    Ghost:. Guys… Why are you running? :O Oh yeah, you can't hear dead people and you just see us as black shadows. I hate being dead. I'd love to be reborn as a girl again in this era. In 1955 we would go crazy for an iPhone :__(

  4. I remember watching this video years ago…probably when they posted it. anyway, I often think of this video a lot. I remember it creeping the heck outta me. lol

  5. Its got to be real .
    What professional is gonna go out there and play a piano in the dark?
    Not any clown can play a tune like that!

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