3:20 Biker: gets close as possible to see the ghost attached to chains without even screaming for his life
Bravery: 100/100
sab sala fake hai chutiya bana rha hai bas
fake fake is prank shut
Why Indian ghost(no.3/5) is sexy. Ya.. her face is only ugly due to makeup but hands are pretty clean and colour just like normal human. Don't make people fool. Better try next time. Total video is ridiculous.
this is prank,wkwkw
Thats a ghost prank bro… Don't be fooled by it…
That just a guy with white blanket on ,what a bullshit video
Fake videos
All ghost walk so slowly
Bhut ke uniforms Kahan se ate hai?
The 2 nd one is so friendly take a selfie with her she comes close to u
Better if u have a dog take him with u and walk in the area if ghost appears tell the dog to go behind ghost she will run if it is women ?????
So scary
Those ghost who caught on camera this all of the prank ghost I mean fack ?
Good comedy
The last video is a drunk person ??‍♂️??
One thing for sure is that anyone that plays does trick on me they better buy life insurance cause I'm going to. Run you over
? erste war lustig
Apa gw aja yg dari indonesia?
Biscuit fake
Ma đeo j mà béo đen nt
The music in the background is annoying asf
3:30 best performance of ghost
3:20 Biker: gets close as possible to see the ghost attached to chains without even screaming for his life
Bravery: 100/100
sab sala fake hai chutiya bana rha hai bas
fake fake is prank shut
Why Indian ghost(no.3/5) is sexy. Ya.. her face is only ugly due to makeup but hands are pretty clean and colour just like normal human. Don't make people fool. Better try next time. Total video is ridiculous.
this is prank,wkwkw
Thats a ghost prank bro… Don't be fooled by it…
That just a guy with white blanket on ,what a bullshit video
Ghost is asking toll for the road pay and go
First was fake ???