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Buying purebred dogs from reputable breeders is essential to the survival and success of dog breeds. Annie Wildmosser a frequent guest on DogumentaryTV, is a small hobby breeder, located in Los Angeles. Annie is a great steward of her favorite breed, the Cane Corso.
I’m sure many of you will find her process for buying one of her puppies a bit draconian but she does it, with the best intentions for the puppy, the puppy buyer, herself, and the breed.
Everyone talking about her methods need to research buying champion line dogs. For that pretty much any registered dog's breeder has stipulations in place.
I have bred Rottweiler's for roughly 10 years now. Not show dogs but they are all registered and come from good genetic lines. With every dog I sell there is a contract in place regarding the dog. If the purchaser no longer wants or has the needs to provide for the dog it is to be returned to me. If you want to breed your dog I am okay with it however, I want to know who/what you plan to breed with. I am not going to allow you to breed a dog you got from me with just some random dog. Because as she said even 10 generations later that puppy can be traced back to me. As for her stating she crops the tails and ears of all of her dogs. Why wouldn't she, she also stated she prefers to place them in homes where they will be show dogs. Take a Cane Corso to a show without cropped ears and a tail and see how that works out for you. There are standards to showing any form of dog if you don't want to abide by them don't buy from a breeder selling show dogs.
From the comment section it appears everyone is used to just buying from a random breeder. Some people don't mass produce liters of dogs for the money they breed them to keep the genetic line going. Then again these are the same people who feel these dogs are over priced. If you want full rights to a top of the line dog breed go find either someone who is breeding for money, or has no care for the dog breed itself there are plenty of them out there.
Where can I get an application
Try to count how many times shes says "I" and "Me". Get fucked lol
How about I also tell her how to spend the money I paid for the puppy… Let's see how that works… Lol
Too possessive
Please expound on your crate training thoughts.
Can I buy one
I have sold my puppies to loving homes this woman has a snob career thinks she owes everything God created for eternity
Ummmmmm Control issues hmmmmmmmm!! Weirdooooooooo.
Fucking hell completely lost me at the docking and cutting of the ears, women's crazy, Explained about in nature there's no floppy ears fair point what about the tail docking? Missed that one out didn't she
That's an easy HELL NOOOO for me
She's great breeder only problem is, her philosophy, "my way or the highway" and it's ingrained into her personality. Not only for someone like me she can't be breeder of choice but we can't even be friends because of personality clash. All that being said I still think she had good standards.
She could be fishing for people's information.
Why cant I have breeders rights! She is a very selfish individual! How did she get her 1st cane corso? Makes me feel like she is all about selling breeders rights only to who she wants! and that's her kind,white people of course,And she is all about the money! iF I pay 2500 to 3000 dollars for my dogg,I should be allowed to have breeder rights.I love doggs and cats.and I have a very special love for both.
She is hottt?
So,,, you dont know what your dog has won.
Bad bad owners display this trait!!! ?????
White women are too much
If I buy a dog it’s my property it is now part of my family. This lunatic control freak only has to worry about controlling one thing and that’s her weight. I’m surprised she even gets buyers or should I say blind puppy sitters! GTFOH!
I completely understand why some would be put off. BUT…they are her pride and joy. Watch her previous video and you will understand. SHE is the breeder that has a standard all BYBs should be held to. Would be a lot less unwanted dogs in the world as her buyers KNOW what they are getting into. Her love of the breed is very obvious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih431uzbmZI
Lool what a joke
$3,000 ?? Worlds most expensive Mongrels.
Her female looks very thin the only time I've seen a healthy corso that thin is when they were in that weird fase when they're body adapts to their size
Lot of morons and criminal minded people here in the chat think they can just jump out of the bed one day and go purchase a dog like a car or bike and feels entitled to treat it like any commodity. Dogumentry you really have a lot of fake and ill minded dog lovers. Feel ashamed to know people still consider animals as use and throw item.
She’s a selfish person.
YOU JUST AN IDIOT PERSON. Application to buy a dog…. hahahahha IDIOOOOOT
This woman is insane,who do you think you are to decide the affairs and living situations of the buyer……thank God for choice, I'm taking my money somewhere else where there is less crazy?????
Love good breeders, but she is trash. And looks like way to much boxer influence in her lines. Nope
You are a nut case.
… and I’m assuming she’s not helping with the vet bills ?
I enjoy your channel a lot, but you should have chosen a different Corso breeder. There are ENTIRELY too many restrictions after paying thousands of dollars for a pup! Please pick another breeder to interview and we as fans will watch and like that video as fans. Thank you Bruh!✊?
So for 3K, I can’t even breed MY dog that I bought ? Also, when she takes the dog back, does that come with a refund ? ??
She most likely dates a soyboy
Typical LA psycho
I don’t keep dogs. I kept 7 lions and 7 tigers. So far no one ever break in to my 1 hectare villa. Anyone who successful break in will be given a free meal to my pets!
What's the starting price on these dogs. ? I'd really like to get one.
In Australia you can’t crop the ears how shit is that
She's doing WAAAYYYY to much bruh it's a dog not a child I paid for it I can do as I please u tripping
Aloha we would love a pup 8087474732 Michael mahalo
She seems to not know what championships her dog has .
So sad to see they're beautiful and cute ears cut off human beings are disgusting
He look better than preacher
She's ridiculous!, Firstly, nothing natural about cropped ears, the fact that the pups are born with with floppy ears suggests that is how the animal was evolved to look but you crop them to make them look a certain way you want which the animal gets nothing out of. Secondly, the distance away should not disqualify a potential good owner.
Cute corso pups: How to rent a dog