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HAPPILY SWINGING AROUND his enclosure, it’s hard to believe this gibbon had a difficult start to life. When he was a baby, Carlos’ mother couldn’t look after him due to a breast infection and he almost died. Carlos was hand reared by Joan Thygesen and Jorgen Ankergren, the directors and founders of the Foundation Odsherred Zoo Rescue, where Carlos was born – and still lives.
Videographer / director: Nikolai Ankergren
Producer: Shannon Lane, Ruby Coote
Editor: Grant Hanson-Vaux
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So happy there are people like this to help out these little animals.
Im Danish
1:41 Me: (clenches chest) ooooh, my heart! Uugghh…..
Doctors: clear! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
Me: I’m okay… 1:47 – UUUGGGHH!
there so cute i want one :3 c:
Looks like pet to me
Porque no gastas en niños ke tienen ambre i dejas esos askerosos animales en su abita natural ke se los comandos los leones
Too sweet! Lovely to see how he thrived. God bless you.
This gibbon is so cute XD
He looks like a toy
they're not rescued, they're captured and locked in a cage
Very nice zoo and they really have taken good care of him
That's sad, he was used to playing out in the open and now he has to live in an enclosure
I need a Gibbon!!!
i laughed at the intro part
Thats my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather. 🙂
a small forest man
Carlos is beautiful!
Changing diapers must be a pain. Better than none though.
OMG look at that little hairy gollum baby! that's it, gibbons are the coolest of all animals.
id rather have a hedgehog. like a wallabee in a condo.
stressful for gibbons einstein
peahens like a show.
That baby melts my heart, I would have to have him live with me 24/7!
That intro!!
Carlos deserves the cutest girlfriend tbh
how not like????
omg, can I have
Oh my friggin goodness that's so cute
Wow super
so cute.