From CCTV footage to workers witnessing ghosts… Here are five terrifying videos of supposed paranormal beings caught inside hospitals…
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Thanks for watching!
#4 was real and scares me good to this day!
Number 4 looks like ET
One of the best channels on YouTube
Motherboard of my s7 died during one of the top5's video. Coincidence, I think not
Q: How noisy will the video be when you appear?
Ghost: Yes.
All ghosts float and are transparent, also clearly fully human shaped, just how we imagine them…… what a coincidence. 7:40 can't see shit. The elaborate effect of nothing there.
At minute 4:28 for a split second between seconds 28 and 29 there seems to be a splice. I couldn't stop precisely on it and someone may have already caught. I'm a lil late in the of watching this one.
I think the footage with the women supposedly "leaving her body" is fake. You cant SEE someone leave their body its just not something realistic.
Mummy bachavo
Like please
Medical school in Honduras??? Those exist? ???
The last video the nurse is calling out her friend to come see the ghost
Apparently a white bedsheet is part of your soul -.-
The Chinese one is super fake & the rest are just too grainy to be sure.
I work in a hospital. It actually is a really happy place. But weird stuff does happen at night, no bad vibes and it doesn't scare anyone.
I can't see the ghost in the last footage
I saw nothing in #1 at all.
Stop showing bullshit fakes and do some real research
Is this real
1st video looks genuine ,your first real ghost ??caught on camera,also an ORB passes by soon as the ghost disappear.
2nd-Some Hispanic subhuman is behind the camera .Fake
3rd- Nasty destructive Chinese termite made videos always fake unless they are burning,cooking,skinning,torturing dogs, cats,rabbits etc ALIVE.
The number no. 2 is super scary tho. I always watch your videos daytime!
Demons. All Demons. 3. Human Spirit leaving the body.
Looked like 2 sports in the first vid
I couldn't see ANYTHING in the #1 clip. One…camera was too shaky. Two…not close enough to see anything. So…
Dude you could literally narrate the end of the world and I’d still be hitting the lights sitting back and enjoying the narration
“I don’t believe in ghosts, ghosts aren’t real, these are all fake” Why the fuck click on a video titled “5 Scariest Hospital Ghost Sightings Caught on Tape” then? These videos are for people who believe in ghosts and spirits, we don’t want you here.
And the guy at the sleep clinic the ghost image has faint eyes and nose , mouth and you stop breathing with sleep apnea it looks like it bends down, to the person,s face maby to help him breath or wake up
The one with the Chinese women I have seen the white wing thing before after my mom died
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To protect ourselves when communicating with unseen beings, we can recite this mantra from Tibet 108 times daily to protect ourselves: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. Get more info here: bit{{dot}}ly/DSretreat
hi, Life without protection is scary. Chant this Tibetan mantra 108 times a day for protection. OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. Find out more here bit((dot))ly/DSretreat
We have to be cautious when communicating with ghosts, spirits or unseen beings. We can protect ourselves by reciting this mantra from Tibet 108 times a day: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. You can get more info from here: bit((dot))ly/DSretreat
Here is food for you guys hiding in the comments. They are for free (no likes needed)
sorry for all the potato's. They are just my favorite food XD
I am thinking of putting camera in my hall now!
Dispel the negative energies within your house or work place with the recitation of this very powerful mantra “Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha”. Chant x108 times or more. More info here: bit((dot))ly/DSretreat
Generally like your videos a lot, but these are fucking weak
Good sound…for you.
the nurse voice sounds creepier than the ghost child hiding on the last clip. lol
#We can and should protect ourselves when exploring or communicating with ghosts, spirits, negative energies, supernatural beings, etc. This mantra can help us expel energies that are harmful too. It is important to protect We can recite this mantra of protection from Tibet 108 times a day: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. Learn more here bit(dot)ly/DSretreat ourselves always.
For me it can be “adobe flash animation idk how to desribe that but ik it” 99% not sure to in first seen vid