Close-Up Lightning strike Compilation with Horrifying Sound and Destruction contain video clips having many lightning strikes along their destruction ..
In Close-Up Lightning strike Compilation with Horrifying Sound and Distruction video you would see lightining stikes at day and night time making destruction ..
you would also see here how light strikes to earth and water and what type of destruction it cause..
In this video all lighting strikes clips are collected watching this would make your day..
this lightining strick are recorded in an awsome weater , enjoy watching this
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Never mess with the power of Nature she can be nice but also can be a nasty bitch ⚡️⚡️??
I wonder if the people in that white car survived??
Lets get married and die at the same time.
6:24: "The target has been destoryed" Target Destoryed God -> Mr Jay. (War Thunder parody)
3rd one fake and gay …. the electric comes from the river bank ffs
At 0:20 isn’t lightning it’s a detonator with under water explosives
0:13 my toilet after a late night of Taco Bell
That means don’t marry her
Who else thought the bird was gonna get it?
00:12 isn’t lightning… someone is fishing.
1:07: rainbow ?
1:08: boi!
Holy shit
Tercer video es falso… Eso no es un rayo es una detonacion
And at 0:53 God said: FUCK THIS WEDDING!
Holy…….. cow?
0:50 Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace… CRACK!!! CTHULHU SPEAKS PUNY MORTALS!!!
The 3rd 1 was not lightening at all