IL2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad with old film effects! This is my #7 kill compilation of gun camera footage. Watch in 240p for the full experience!
::: My Discord: https://discord.gg/B5Tcubq
::: New videos EVERY FRIDAY! Until then, check my channel: https://www.youtube.com/jorgehfj
::: If you have questions and/or suggestions, please let me know. o7
::: PC SPECS :::
CPU: i7-7700k 4.2Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 8Gb
RAM: 32Gb
OS: Windows 10
::: CONTROLS :::
Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog, Saitek ProFlight Rudder Pedal, and TrackIR5.
#IL2BattleOfStalingrad #Guncam #KillCompilation
Wow! Lots of comments on Focke-Wulfs… I didn't notice that most kills were Focke-Wulfs! I guess it was Focke-Wulf season! Hehehehe
Love your work mate, great stuff……
Nice game footage.
Nice work – looks as good as real. A credit to you and the IL2 devs!
Excellent video! I can’t wait to get a PC for Christmas so I can play Il-2. I’m sick of War Thunder’s unrealism.
great footage!
As always, great stuff! Keep 'em coming!
Focke Wulf now Fucked Wulf
Empreçao minha ou tu não gosta dos 190 maioria era fw 190 kk . Parabens . LIKE.
Ah! no gun camera footage destroying a defiant .. because the defiant would have shot down the attacker ! ;D
Dang, I didn't know they had such good cameras in 1942
Good work
Boã trablho
70% of these look very realistic ( granted depending on frames per second and resolution. )
Awesome footage! Looks like the WW2 original footages. Keep it up!
After lunch i play il 2 sturmovik
Most of the planes you destroyed are Focke Wulf varients. Chill man, i just bought one!