The Beast Eddie Hall becomes the first man to deadlift 500kg, setting a new deadlift world record 500 kg (1102lbs), at Europe’s Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championship 9th July 2016, in front of a crowd of 10,000 people at the First Direct Arena – this is how to deadlift !
See all the deadlift lifts at the World Deadlift Championship event, which saw 4 deadlift world records at https://youtu.be/mHHMqZYDzfk
The Beast Eddie Hall Deadlift World Record 500kg (1102lbs) – Includes Full Aftermath!!
The video shows the build up and the full aftermath for the 500 kg world record deadlift, which still remains today the current world record deadlift on a standard Olympic bar with standard sized Olympic weight plates.
The Beast Eddie Hall deadlifted 463kg in Europe’s Strongest man the year before in 2015, see https://youtu.be/C7z7lWiFtgc, to take the deadlift world record from Benedickt Magnusson.
Then in The World Deadlift Championship in 2016, at Europe’s Strongest Man, The Beast Eddie Hall lifted a new world record deadlift of 465kg (1025lbs) doing it as a speed rep!!! See https://youtu.be/8wpTiXj37MU
The 465kg (1025lbs) world record deadlift set by The Beast Eddie Hall was equalled on the night by Jerry Pritchett and Benedikt Magnusson, see Benedikt Magnusson’s 465kg world record deadlift at https://youtu.be/3irNbVFB8rg, but both men couldn’t lift the big 500kg deadlift which The Beast Eddie Hall managed, to set yet another new world record deadlift outright. See Benedikt Magnusson 500kg world record deadlift attempt at https://youtu.be/hfDyLXIvn3o.
Now back to The Beast Eddie Hall deadlift world record 500kg, It was a great lift Eddie The Beast Hall, but the celebration afterwards wasn’t as good as my personal best deadlift, the ‘dancing deadlift’ https://youtu.be/jPf6kRV12TE !
See below for more deadlift and strongman videos from Europe’s Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championships: –
Europe’s Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championship 2015: –
Mark Felix deadlift 400kg (882lbs) – https://youtu.be/1qjKwoYSgWs
Jerry Pritchett Deadlift 435kg (959lbs) https://youtu.be/HOzUzxC3Nb0
The Beast Eddie Hall Deadlift World Record 463kg / 1020lbs – WITH NO SUIT!! https://youtu.be/C7z7lWiFtgc
Europe’s Strongest Man / World Deadlift Championship 2016: –
The Beast Eddie Hall Deadlift World Record 465kg Speed Rep https://youtu.be/8wpTiXj37MU
Benedikt Magnusson Deadlift World Record 465kg (1025lbs) https://youtu.be/3irNbVFB8rg
500kg Benedikt Magnusson Deadlift World Record Attempt https://youtu.be/hfDyLXIvn3o
The Beast Eddie Hall deadlift world record 500kg – including aftermath https://youtu.be/U4AQlamvFzs
The Beast Eddie Hall deadlift world record 500kg – short version https://youtu.be/YZpwZeRougc
Strongman World Record Car Walk – Laurence Shahlaei https://youtu.be/MDMq8KV-YHg
Dean Wild Dancing Deadlift [chasing a 500lbs natural deadlift] https://youtu.be/jPf6kRV12TE
Don’t forget to like the video, add a comment and subscribe to my channel for loads more strength / strongman / powerlifting / deadlifting videos!
#worldstrongestman #eddiehall #deadlift
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The scariest thing is how easy he got it up…
he won 50k but then spent it all on medical bills. This man literally risked his life to perform a feat for our entertainment. Absolute legend. I’m fairly sure they said he had 2 brain bleeds, multiple herniated discs, HEAVY bruising and concussion symptoms. He could barely remember his wife’s name and said even tho it only took around 4 seconds to lift he felt like he just finished a marathon
I respect the sport and sacrifice these guys make, but they are cutting their lives short.
That to me is the pinnacle of what it means to be a man, and it doesn't have much to do with the physical weight
Generally thought the bar was going to snap
I do good 50-60kg deadlift and still walk like a boss
my man zangeif
Wish Eddie would have been me best m8 at school.
Me when I move the TV cabinet to vacuum behind it.
keep the plate on the bar ill do a arm curl later hahahahahahahaha
1:09 looks like the guy is jerking him off
Point and shoot camera man point and shoot
This is how strong Captain America is, peak human strength
Sure he is strong and all but can he open a ketchup packet?
Wow that was awesome
I am sore from just watching.
Do it, do it now ! ! !
Im not impressed by that fat steroid junky,who couldnt defend himself in a fight.
No need to trying to insult, but they should stop that sport because i think that they are having muscular heavy weight lifting practices but the human heart all the blood flow pressure in the mean time circulates in a very dangerous way in there body .That can cause sudden death right on the spot at the lifting position god they're playing with fire .
Is it an advantage to be fat as well as have muscle's in this sport?
The scene is too powerful.
In an interview I think he said he had internal bleeding in his brain and couldn’t remember his wife’s name in the week following this Deadlift
you earn the nick name beast when you can pick up a small car
That’s sick
What's the stuff he was using just before the lift? It looked like he was smelling something
He said in an interview that he did it for cash – does anyone know how much he got for this record?
Que le miren los calzoncillos que creo que se ha cagado se le habrán salido hasta los mocos. Que bestiajo de tío
Im sure in the futere someone will lift 1000kg
I love how at 4:30 the calls over the fan boy XD
Look at this body, he is definitely on roids. Am I wrong?
His heart is the same size as any man, but it has to work extra hard to pump the blood through that body.
This comment section is hilarious.
brock lesnar, come have a look at the real beast…
The day Eddie graduated to a tree trunk.
This man will not grow old.He will die soon cause this is not healthy at all.
Hafthor has left the chat room
Cameraman is idiot
But can he find the solution for the area under a curve?
I'm dying here but better put this shirt back on quickly so people can't see my belly.
Silly boy…you need a decent haircut as well..!!
Very ordinary lifting technique
HES,ON HEAVY STEROIDS DRUGS. HE'S A,CHEATER! NO RECORD. ?????????????????????????????
Just snapped my coat hanger watching this !
That looks good for you…..
5:03 To this day I still don't get that joke
Imagine he just said “LIGHT WORK” and started doing reps