Rescue kittens trapped in sewer pipes / cute kittens

Rescue kittens trapped in sewer pipes / cute kittens
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Rescue kittens trapped in sewer pipes / cute kittens
Hello friends . This is my uncle’s kitten, trapped in a drain. This morning while I went to my uncle’s house to pick vegetables. I have heard its cry. The cat had sore eyes, probably because the water there was so dirty on the sick cat. I shower and feed the cat. It looks pitiful. I will ask my uncle to take him to my foster home. I want it to have a better life.Thank you very much.


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About the Author: Rescue Animals


  1. É tudo falso! Esse cara é louco! Denuncie os vídeos dele para o YouTube! Ele pega animais finge resgatar eles!
    Isso é doentio.
    Ele não salva animais, mas faz eles sofrerem, por dinheiro e atenção!

  2. ES IST EIN FAKE-VIDEO.Warum wird dieser Typ nicht endlich von YouTube gesperrt??!! Es ist Tierquälerei was er da macht. Alles wird zensiert und man darf nicht mehr kommentieren wie man will…aber kleine unschuldige Lebewesen quälen das ist bei YouTube erlaubt. Das ist sehr,sehr traurig. Ich habe keine Worte…dieser Kerl im Video ist das letzte. Lass endlich die kleinen Kitten in Ruhe. Verdammt nochmal.

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