Members of the Wildlife Sense team rescued a Caretta Caretta turtle in the harbor of Argostoli, Kefalonia. This turtle got helped, but fishing nets are number 1 death cause of seaturtles. Keep the oceans clean!
Please supports Wildlife Sense at: https://wildlifesense.com/en/
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People around the world PLEASE I AM BEGGING Y'ALL SAVE THE TURTLES. ???not only TURTLES but all the living creatures.
Okay now we’re gonna make METAL nets.
Sksks and I oop and I oop sksksksksks Save the turtles sksks
By the way it looks like the turtle is eating gum ?
This is sad I'm crying ?? hard
This is honestly just sad ?
Sorry planeta sorry natural you spanis entederas no tirar basura al mar mas animales muertos mas estinsion
Fuck those fishermen
Save the turtles sksksksksksksks
Thanks for saveing that turtle
Me: ewwwwwwwww but awwwwwww so sad ?
Humanos de mierda
How sad
Poor seaturtle
MY GOD?????
First it was plastic straw and then THIS!!!!!!!!! UGH POOR TURTLE
No mas plástico!
No más maltrato para nosotros mismos!
I Crowd ??
Who cried
I love turtels they are the cuttest animels ever how can Some wan think about it to trow plastic in the water
If you no they Will die i dont understand that now people saying cute funny so sad If we keep doing this you cant they are not muts eny more turtels in the oceaan they wil al die bc of us If it biggins with this amezing animols are athers also gona die without anilmos we are gona die.. # Joing the vsco Squad. Say. Here ?. Safe the turtels If you do that then Mabey people wil lissend. ❤️??
People people ?????
I'm not vsco girl
But save the turtles
Why help the other People Not
This is how many people want to save the ocean
He pulls anything out of the mouth. ????
Dang this why we don’t throw stuff in ocean
흑흑 정말고맙네요
こういう人って凄いよね…( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )?
Skskskskkskskskkskskskskk and I oppppp save the turtlessssss
kasian banget
I loved this video I think i should tell my friends not to throw rubbish in the ocen
Vsco girls be like: SAVE THE TURTLES
Ban fishing