*!!* Poltergeist caught on security camera slashing up a warehouse. Evidence of real ghost on tape? Proof of a True Demon captured on video? Evil monster playing a prank? Imagine the person at the security company who watched this LIVE (via net) as they summonsed the police! New in 2013.
Motion in the room activated the lights, the alarm and the recording.
Turns to Infra-red as the motion activated lights turn off, dark.
Location: Storage room for a mid-sized company remote location.
This building at one time was used as a mortuary.
There was considerable damage done after the camera stopped working.
By the time the police gained access 35 minutes after the alarm went out, all the shelving was tipped over.
After this incident, there have been no other occurrences at this location.
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You can do alot with fishing wire,let me guess everything is thrown on the floor oooooo spooky!! GET A LIFE!!(Yawning) boooooring!! Levitate shit then you have my interest!!
anyone catch the evp that says "get out"
Freeze it at 1:36 and you can see the shape of a humanoid object also if you turn up the volume you can hear a man breathing deeply.
Let's show you a video of ghosts in the workplace and then put writing all over the screen, very unprofessional.
the box falling off the shelve is fake ! like someone pulled the fishing line with hesitation….that is why it didnt fall of during the first yank
I just have to ask is the kid who trashed the dollor store? ha ha ha ha I'm so funny. but no realy
The title say REAL ghost caught on video, so it must be legit…
So Fake. Just dust flying around to confuse all of the delusional crackpots on Youtube.
1:36 Sounds like it said 'Hello.."
Can hear a voice at about 2:57
"Fuck you broom! Fuck you Shirt!… You want sum of dis! Look out now!"
I enjoyed that, and the odd bits of breathing got me on the edge of my seat! It seemed to have got miffed at being filmed too, attacking the camera before it did it's best show. ??
was that charlie charlie?! because that room looked important
completely fake. why those things want to through away things every time ,why can't they float in air & open the boxes in air .completely rubbish.
apparently those ghosts are for cats, no one likes to drop thing as much as cats lel
I'll give them an "A" for effort.
Why haven't so many spirits, and there seems to be hundreds of them here, NOT moved on and passed over to the next plane? Are these souls afraid about what awaits them on the other side? It is futile to stay earth-bound and haunt places! Whatever created Me knows that I will definitely cross over when my life is done. I'm certainly not going to hang around and haunt! There is no point. Sure, I will always have loving attachments to the people I have loved during my time here when I pass on, but I'm not going try to get back to this place after I have lived in it for so long. Who are these lost souls, anyway??? And why are they lost? I guess all of us will face this question after we die.
Orbs! Everywhere!!! This room is alive with the dead!
a security camera that is being held by someone, hmm.
Just some asshole ghost on his way through.
They probably hated their job there
I saw you in the bottom left corner there at the end.
The ghost says:Give me a damn job so i dont fuck with you
strings, and a large fan waved by someone, notice the way the shirt moved as if pushed by air…come on now..i've seen the devil! this aint no demon!
I have never seen so many orbs at one time, in one place. They must bump into the boxes and knock stuff over when they become active.