Kittens, kittens, kittens… they’re everywhere!
These 3 cuties suddenly appeared at the apartment complex I’ve been trapping at a few months ago… I guess I didn’t get to Mum soon enough!
It’s always a tough call on what to do when you discover kittens, if they’re younger they’re much better off with their Mum, but then you’re running the risk of them being killed by other predators in the wild. Which is why there’s always such a huge demand for bottle feeders for younger kittens that have been taken from their Mums to ensure they survive.
Luckily these 3 were older and weaning from their Mums milk to solid food so I decided to grab them and get them to safety 🙂
Thanks again to SPCA in Lakeland Florida for helping me out, purrlease get involved and help foster if you can!
What to do if YOU find kittens! – https://www.thedodo.com/heres-what-to-do-if-you-find-a-litter-of-kittens-1670720479.html
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About Me: Cat Dad to celebricats Cole & Marmalade and former videographer at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa FL… follow me for daily clips, vlogs, cat rescue work, BIG cat videos and more!
Music – Happy Romance 3 – Epidemic Music
“No Good Layabout” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
#KittenRescue #CatManChris #CuteKittens #FosteringSavesLives
But their mom would miss them..she will search for them fanatically. Have you checked whether the mom was around or not??
Do u go back and try to find the Mom and to see if there are any other siblings? The little grey one stole my heart too. Thank you for everything u do for these kitties. ?♥️?
Someone dumped those kittens. If they were born out there with mom you could not have just picked them up. I wish it was so easy. I have had kittens in my parking lot apartments and as soon as they can walk or run your not gonna catch them. You have to trap. I'm so glad these babies were found by you so soon. What little Angels.
Thank you so much for helping these kittens God bless you
I just subscribed. I've been rescuing cats (one or two at a time) since 1990. My younger daughter and I rescued a pair of kittens about that size and age back in 2003 or so, a male and a female. The female hissed out loud at us so I named her Boudica for her warrior's personality. I love cats.
Maybe slide in one more kitty?
Nice job Chris!!!!
1:11 "I wasn't done eating "
Hey! He catnapped the kitties!!!!!
You've got such a great heart. Thank you for being there for them.
So are you getting also the mom cats? To get them fixed ? And reunite them with there kittens? I hope that's what you do?! If it is wrong traumatizing to mom's and the kittens,they still the moms!
Ok so I now understand how people get a billions of cats. You can’t say no to those faces.
Adorable and sweet little kitties.
Thank you Chris for bringing them to a safety temporary home.
May you can find them a loving forever home.
Adopt don't shop.
Spay and neuter your pets.
Love animals means care for yourselves and the environments.
Greeting from Holland,
Animal lover and vegan who loves nature.
Omg this video awwwww babies
Third kitty knew it was a trap ?
World needs more people like you. Well done.
Now safe & sound❤❤❤❤but what happens to mamma
I am happy by rescue the kittens ???
Great job , Chris ?❤?❤?
They named a place after you in Nepal, Chris! Its called Kat Man Du. Thank you for doing good deeds. These kitties need deworming and flea control, spay/neuter and a good wash. Why don't we have more funding for animals and less for warfare? Because warfare is good business for arms manufacturers. What a world we live in.
Great rescue.. Off the dangerous streets.. ???? Tks much Chris.. All super adorable..
Thank you so much for rescuing these beautiful little kittens. They will be easy to adopt out. I should have known it was you doing the rescue. You're so creative with your other kitties.
They didn't hiss so makes me wonder if mom was looking for food or something happened to her. They're so precious and glad they're safe.
Thanks for everything you do, Chris!
0:48 how to confuse cute scared feral kittens.
They are so friendly and cute
Perhaps remembering little Cole and marmalade?? nostalgic??
Love the music! And of course jeepers creepers such cute peepers!
Thank You Cat-man and ur Lady???????????⚘from HollandsxxxWe loves Cats???
There was a very good moment in this vid and it's always how I've looked at fostering. I've had a few people tell me that what I do sounds exhausting (middle of the night bottle feedings, cleaning, weighing, monitoring etc and sick kittens will break your heart) but what's a few weeks of missed sleep when those kittens could get 20 years of life out of the bargain? A few weeks is a drop in the bucket to most people.
Fostering literally saves lives. It's why I do it.
Aww!!!! I wish you were able to keep the grey and white one!! <3 Hope they all find good home! At least they're off the streets 🙂
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ oh the Grey is sooooo cute ??
The spot on the back leg, my 12 y/o Znip has one too, but a little bigger. ? Wish I could asoph from the US, but so many kittens here in the DK too. Pol throwing them pit of car Windows while drivning ?? makes me so angry at the humans and sad for the kittens.
You and your wife are very wonderful and special people. Good job Chris.
You have my heart ! Keep up the great work ! The world works much better with ppl like us ! ❤️?❤️?❤️??❤️?❤️?❤️
They sure looked well fed for stray kittens.
Nice job.
Please go back to check for their Momma. They are still way too young for Mom to have moved on. She will hang around a bit.
Why didn’t you wait to see if mom came around?
Sweet and gentle babies. I hope you can trap the mom too.
omg why are they soooo cute ? I told you, you’re going to cat heaven ❤️?❤️❤️??❤️?
Great job Chris. So glad there’s good hearted people like you. Bless you.
The tuxedo escapee has the tubbiest belly of the three <3
so glad you were able to get those sweet little guys and gal out any danger they could have happen to them. it's cute that they were all tuxedo's too as well as charming LOL
Great job. You're awesome. They're all so cute.
I am now a primordial goo blob from the over exposure to that much cute
I want that third one!!! Lol
Great job Chris, so glad you are out there.
Such a good person..god bless ❤️
Thank you very much for rescuing the cats and kittens, Chris ????? You're truly an angel without wings ?
Oh my god that's how my family and I ended up adopting 3 lovely siblings, 2 black and white tux and one blue and white one, just like these guys. One of the b&w passed away in January due to a horrible, silent disease called lymphoma, after 2 years of brave fight ? his brothers are still under our care. The blue and white one has lymphoma too ?, but we managed to detect it early thanks to his late sibling's history. We hope he'll remission soon and hopefully have a better fate than his brother who we all miss so much. ?