So many dislikes, i wonder, if there's also so many vegans here.
This video is somewhere between understated black comedy and straight up Dada and I freaking LOVE it. It's kind of a shame that it's supposed to be serious, but if you disagree with the message then laughing at it is the most fun way to give the response 'you have failed to convince me.'
ultra bullshit!!!!!
this is insanely disturbing. Why not have children saying these things instead of animals? Picture this video only with kindergarden aged kids talking about there being no difference between killing things for meat or fur.
If we put people in those places, it would sound something like this : We love to be in a concentration camp, because our death makes our oppressor happy! Sounds stupid- so is this video!
If you believe these lies, you deserve to get smacked.
— IDIOT >-<'''
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY… If humanity is so intelligent and at the top of the food chain, why does humanity still use, abuse and kill other species on the planet for food and clothing purposes? Surely humanity should have thought of a way by now to obtain energy for food consumption without resorting to murdering other species on the planet, eat dead corpses and living children of the plant (fruit) of plant kind and plant kind itself? Perhaps captured sun and moon energy will be next on the menu?
17 Retards Watched this Video.
This ad is like "I'm a homeless poor man, please come and enslave me, punch & abuse me"!
i dont believe this! the most stupid thing i have ever seen! im sure they r happy when they suffer and they r being killed! OMG
what the actual fuck
well, they got one thing right… there IS no difference between wearing fur and eating meat!
what a piece of crap
Let's not forget that if humans DIDN'T eat cows or chickens they never would have existed at all. Cows are bred from oxen in several generations. Cows that are set free has no chance of surviving without humans. Man created life to take it away.
When looking at it that way, I don't have a really big problem with killing and eating them.
You are kidding, aren't you?
Animals are able to feel pain and fear, plants don't.
It's not our nature to torture and kill, it's our nature to LOVE.
It's not necessary to eat meat. I don't eat any meat for more than 20 years and I'm very healthy and happy.
@no1BettyBoop1 You are Hippies, Tree Huggers and Animal activists. You claim your values and feelings are more valid, "true" or right than those of others. "these bastards" is, in fact, much more demeaning and brutal language than Tree Hugger. start reflecting: your truth doesn't have to be everybody's truth.
May be, but your palate shouldn't reign your soul, shouldn't it?
@natija08 Meat taste really good though.
Most of the factory farmed animals are chicken, turkeys and pigs. They never see a meadow in their life and they are fed with soy products.
Most of the dairy cows aren't allowed to see a meadow. Nowadays dairy cows have to stay in their stable. But of course they are still fed with hay, but "modern" cows need soy products too to "give" enough milk.
It's horrible.
what the actual fuck?
Seriously?… I hope it's satire…
So many dislikes, i wonder, if there's also so many vegans here.
This video is somewhere between understated black comedy and straight up Dada and I freaking LOVE it. It's kind of a shame that it's supposed to be serious, but if you disagree with the message then laughing at it is the most fun way to give the response 'you have failed to convince me.'
ultra bullshit!!!!!
this is insanely disturbing. Why not have children saying these things instead of animals? Picture this video only with kindergarden aged kids talking about there being no difference between killing things for meat or fur.
If we put people in those places, it would sound something like this : We love to be in a concentration camp, because our death makes our oppressor happy! Sounds stupid- so is this video!
If you believe these lies, you deserve to get smacked.
— IDIOT >-<'''
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY… If humanity is so intelligent and at the top of the food chain, why does humanity still use, abuse and kill other species on the planet for food and clothing purposes? Surely humanity should have thought of a way by now to obtain energy for food consumption without resorting to murdering other species on the planet, eat dead corpses and living children of the plant (fruit) of plant kind and plant kind itself? Perhaps captured sun and moon energy will be next on the menu?
17 Retards Watched this Video.
This ad is like "I'm a homeless poor man, please come and enslave me, punch & abuse me"!
i dont believe this! the most stupid thing i have ever seen! im sure they r happy when they suffer and they r being killed! OMG
what the actual fuck
well, they got one thing right… there IS no difference between wearing fur and eating meat!
what a piece of crap
Let's not forget that if humans DIDN'T eat cows or chickens they never would have existed at all. Cows are bred from oxen in several generations. Cows that are set free has no chance of surviving without humans. Man created life to take it away.
When looking at it that way, I don't have a really big problem with killing and eating them.
You are kidding, aren't you?
Animals are able to feel pain and fear, plants don't.
It's not our nature to torture and kill, it's our nature to LOVE.
It's not necessary to eat meat. I don't eat any meat for more than 20 years and I'm very healthy and happy.
@no1BettyBoop1 You are Hippies, Tree Huggers and Animal activists. You claim your values and feelings are more valid, "true" or right than those of others. "these bastards" is, in fact, much more demeaning and brutal language than Tree Hugger. start reflecting: your truth doesn't have to be everybody's truth.
May be, but your palate shouldn't reign your soul, shouldn't it?
@natija08 Meat taste really good though.
Most of the factory farmed animals are chicken, turkeys and pigs. They never see a meadow in their life and they are fed with soy products.
Most of the dairy cows aren't allowed to see a meadow. Nowadays dairy cows have to stay in their stable. But of course they are still fed with hay, but "modern" cows need soy products too to "give" enough milk.
It's horrible.