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Our world famous real ghost videos are capable of making a vibration to the mental calibre of viewers who are not even believed in ghosts. You can comfortably view all such real ghost videos in our scary video channel available in YouTube.
DISCLAIMER: These creepiest and scariest ghost videos are only for entertainment.
Let her shit man, she hasn’t wiped yet
See that's just plain rude!! some spook just makes their way into your flat and just goes to the loo without even asking, although her hair was in front of her eyes, perhaps she thought she was in your living room,you do have a living room don't you, it's a little hard to tell with all the other crap that's in your ratty little flat,what's with the closet filled with all the paint and cleaning supplies, are you a janitor, I mean you're sure as shit not a film maker
No HUMAN could sit on a toilet like that!
Looked like a girl sitting there.
Stupid ass video
Offer to wripe her a$$ for free
I'm kinda bummed to learn that we'll need toilets in the afterlife.
BTW, dude, it's not your apartment that's haunted. It's you. 'Cause that ghost appears even in the videos you've shot away from your home. ghostly voice She's fooooolllooowwwing yoooooooouuuuuu…
Hahaha charge it rent and stop the heavy breathing
Ghosts are shiting to its smell bad to ufffff
Dam.you are ghosts,funny clip.
why some jerk still did this! how we can take this seriously thing even the real, they mixed it!
That was a shit ghost oh sorry a ghost shitting !!!!
Where is the ghost ? I only see a Girl taking a shit ! 😀
On 1:02 you can see the ghost properly
Oh shit
Crazy Ghost Hunter….Abe saale pahale proper english bolna seekh.
Ghost had to go potty!
Thats a human dude people are not so dumb as u might think my friend
What a dumb bitch !!
so apparently any 10 yeard old girl with long hair and a white gown taking a shit is automatically a ghost.
the last scene is terror
Как неприлично … Даже не закрылась в туалете 😀
he he he he's pooping so much so funny
I think the ghost has been eating your curry…….
go fuck ur self by ur own
People dont believe it.Its just real girl.
Don't just scream give her a roll of toilet tissue
She was banging herself real quick big deal!!!
lol so funny haha 😀 Ulrich
Oh no; The Ring girl is being replaced with outsourcing too.
OMG! It's a girl takin' a shit! I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.
she was taking a shit!
This is definitely NOT a ghost, its human, u can see an asian girl sitting on a toilet seat with hair over her face so as not to show face!!!!! Next time she should LOCK the door!!