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In today’s video, Lizzy Sharer surprises Stove from Stove’s Kitchen with his dream dog and cutest puppy in the world! Stove has been with the Dream Team since the very beginning and to show her appreciation for him, Lizzy decides to surprise him with his dream dog! Ryan Prunty and Lizzy look for Stove in the Dream Team mansion and try to catch him by surprise by asking him a few questions about some of his favorite things. Stove is suspicious but has no idea about the epic surprise that Lizzy has in store for him. Stove then gets the most epic surprise of his life when he meets Caleb, his husky dream dog. The rest of the Dream Team then gets to meet the new puppy and play with him in the backyard of the Dream Team house. Even Milli from Milli’s World makes a new friend! Carter Sharer can’t believe that Lizzy is adding a new puppy to the $4 million dollar Dream Team house and Carter is surprised to see the latest addition to the team. But Lizzy has another unexpected surprise for Stove…Watch to see Stove, Carter, Ryan, and the rest of the Dream Team’s reaction to the new puppy as well as the epic surprise at the end of the video! Comment below with what you thought about this epic vlog!
I TURNED INTO A BOY FOR A DAY!! (Carter Was Shocked)
Business Inquiries: Lizzysharerbiz@gmail.com
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Dream Team Studios LLC and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Dream Team Studios LLC. For any requests from media contact us at Cartersharerbiz@gmail.com
My dream dog is a great dane but my friend have one but I always babysit it for they go to vacation or somewhere for 49 days but I want my own but there great dane full black and on it chest is a little dot white so yeah that my dream dog
Stove you're actually made me cry, ??
milli is my dream dog
? ☹️????
Why will you not buy him it's so cute
I have a 2 dog there name are creamy and coffee there are so cute
Karyn Bui your right
Lizzy that’s just mean
Mine is husky to
Really why do you do it????
A french bulldog puppy and you should get an actual husky for him!!!
American Bulldog
Black labs
I love husky
Can you guys keep it for ever???
Whops spoke too soooooN
StoVE hAs A partNER nOw
Awwwwwwww how cute the dOg aNd stoVE
My dream dog is a German Shepard! Those are my favorite
I Riley like the puppy and it is so cute ??you are the best youtube
I cried for the WHOLE day!
AT least Carter understands what would happen if lizz took him from him
I like huskies
Relieved* I think…
Noooo once the Sad music playing I was Sooo Sad but after I was relified….phew! ?
Buy stove new hus
Por stove
I almost cried??
My dream dog is a jack russell
Well my dream dog is a Shetland Sheepdog
you should get stove a husky
Liz don't lie to stove
I feel bad for stove
If you like dogs then give this comment a thumbs up
I think You should buy A husky first stove and my favorite dog is husky
I like husky
I want a havanese poodle mix like milli
My dream dog is the same as stove