Hi friends! ❤
This video was filmed back in February, and due to some VERY annoying technical difficulties, I’ve been unable to get it edited and uploaded for y’all until now! But HERE IT IS!!
I encourage all of you to look into ways that you can help out your local animal rescues/shelters. Many rely entirely on donations from the public, so anything helps! ❤
Email: juliegomezvlogs@gmail.com
Instagram: @julesss0629
Twitter: @julesss0629
Snapchat: @sheplaysbagpipe
P.O. Box Address:
Julie Gomez
P.O. Box 962086
El Paso, TX 79999
I just want to say that I'm 26 yrs old and I have just started my first semester of vet tech at my local community college and your channel was a huge help in my decision to change careers and go back to school. Thank you!
the thumbnail had me really thinking you were about to declutter your dogs and donate the ones you don't want anymore
Oh trust me I had the same problem with my dog but every month when I got the bark box subscription all the other toys I donated , I do the same thing with my cats and my birds toys! Also your dogs are so so cute!!!
This was the cutest thing ever omg❤️❤️
Okay but why would someone dislike for such a good cause ?, Im offended.
On the plus side, great video! Loved your editing! ?
My dog loves antlers. And Kong's. She doesn't touch anything unless it has to do with food ??
this is the type of wholesome content I am HERE for
Great cause ??
Haha my dog’s head just perked up right away at the sound of the squeaky toy. Also I really love that blanket on the couch. Where did you get it from? I also really want your “dog mom” shirt. Where can I also get that? lol & oh my goodness! I have that squeaker bear toy with the blue patches that I see in the background. My dog loves that toy!
That is an insane amount of toys ? those are some spoiled dogs right there