Watch This Crazy Footage: F-35B Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing (Amazing Compilation)
The F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant is the world’s first supersonic STOVL stealth aircraft. It is designed to operate from austere bases and a range of air-capable ships near front-line combat zones. It can also take off and land conventionally from longer runways on major bases. The U.S. Marine Corps’ F-35B aircraft reached initial operational capability (IOC) on July 31, 2015, and as of January 2017, a squadron of F-35Bs is permanently based at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.
The F-35B STOVL operation is made possible through the Rolls-Royce patented shaft-driven LiftFan® propulsion system and an engine that can swivel 90 degrees when in short takeoff/vertical landing mode. Because of the LiftFan®, the STOVL variant has a smaller internal weapon bay and less internal fuel capacity than the F-35A. It uses the probe-and-drogue method of aerial refueling.
F-35B aircraft have been delivered to the U.S. Marines and the UK. U.S. STOVL aircraft are stationed at the first operational F-35B base, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, where F-35B training is taking place. The first UK F-35Bs are located at RAF 17 Squadron, Edwards AFB, California, where operational testing is being conducted. The Italian Air Force will also operate the F-35B.
Amazing footage, I like this aircraft..
The landings seem to need a little more work: to spare the undercarriages. It'd be hugely expensive if the undercarriage failed to cope with what ought to be a laser measured feather light landing.
reported for clic bait
clic bait….same….same…same
othschild Bankers made America @ a debt colony. and used THEIR Bar Attorneys to do it. @
"War is a racket" – General Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Core
I have a Lego technic set of an f35
Also they're not very maneuverable, so their air to air capabilities suck. Good for Americans who are mostly air to ground, but not so good for the countries they are trying to sell it to.
Only thing is of course that it is advertised as "stealth" but the stores have to be external so there can't be a lot of stealth going on there, not like the F-22 whose stores are internal so the radar reflective surfaces of the plane aren't compromised .
The politics of the F-35 program are always worth mocking, but lets not dismiss that the engineers did end up making a nice, properly impressive aircraft. Yes, the F-22 is overall better for being a proper fighter by many people's opinion. And yes, some people may counter that the F-35 is designed to fight in a different and new style and is designed for that (though I still think its shorter range is bad regardless). But this aircraft has very awesome capabilities. Lets make no mistake.
My biggest gripe is that it just looks like the sort of plane that you fly with an expectation to avoid getting damaged. If it gets shot up a bit, there are so many parts that rotate open this way or another that trying to switch to VTOL mode afterward just looks like it would be really easy for one of them to catch on the deformed metal from a projectile's puncture wound or something, or even for one of the electric motors involved in the transformation to get shot or otherwise impacted. I would not want to have to try landing this thing vertically if I actually took damage. It might still work, of course, but given the option I would definitely want to try to land like a normal fighter in that case.
Vectored thrust was mastered by Hawker, many decades ago.
There is zero that is revolutionary or even vaguely impressive about this aircraft, unless one is ignorant.
2:16 Rainbow
clickbait bullshit.. nice footage tho
Major flaw!
Clickbait. Sux.
Meanwhile, in 1967… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pweY5y5eRI
Why not just take off vertically? I assume it would take too much fuel.
Realmente una buena obra de ingeniería !!!
Harrier (AV8 B) was, and is always a step forward
A nice piece of engineering!
Disliked because of clickbait image and said "Crazy footage" when is normal footage.
Works for me. Thank you President Trump!!!
Got to love the idiot's claiming click-bait, lmfao! These dumb-fucks think that planes can double as jet-skis. No brain having dingle berries.
Teknologi alien ????
The F-35 JSF is a damn fine bird. It's a shame $ has cut back on the F-22 Raptor. That too is an outstanding bird with twice the speed and bells and whistles.
Background music plz
Clickbait dislikes lol
Sampah.mana landing d air ..gk ada.
Where's the vertical take off
Helicopters land softer. 🙂
? Мне очень нравится f35, но как говорится, ни чего личного сухой лучший, су 57 более тяжёлая и маневренная машина, да и внешним видом восхищает посерьёзнее f 35 +f22 =су 57! Good video
PlayStation generation pilots
love this aircraft it so sexy
This craft shows miracles ! Lands like helicopter !
Us the super power
Why, we all want to make weapons??? if we want to peace then why this weapons are made??? we all trying to destroy each other… is that the right way??? This weapons just can destroy nothing to make relation in us… Destroy weapons and make love… Only love and respect can make a better solution in all problems. So, I think you should better to think how to make love in the world not try to make weapons..
Click Bait
Show ?????
God bless America greetings from Albania
Need to build a plane that is submarine boat aeroplane in one . 3 in 1 if this happens the cost 5 trillion dollars for one plane ??
Raptor is the best
all the tech in these beauty beast birds makes me feel better results could have been achieved on cancer, stem cell research, world food security and Africa could have been better if not at least the globes food basket! But we're running off to China and sold at mqrket price underdogs for the tramplers to grind their best
Best defense work on guidance systems Southside of plane but make best planes maneuverability enemy can never recraft from downed plane or downed sub or downed boat release and guide by homeland and sat options kind of a secondary force after drone release example drone forces fight first human forces fight last impala 210 judo 12