Hurricane Dorian has destroyed entire communities in Abaco and Grand Bahama. ReEarth’s Sam Duncombe says if the US—and Bahamian—governments don’t take climate action, storms will get even deadlier
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"All the ice has melted"?! She needs to go to the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica and see all of the ice for herself. She has no idea what she's talking about.
Read the comments below, and you start to see why Facebook wants to get rid of thumbs up/down for comments.
All the climate change believer comments below dont stand chance against support for opinion that this is Harp, or failing that cant trust 911 producers with anything after the fact.
No more thumbs on comments, means Fake News is easier to propagate.
After thumbs, i suppose they will have to stop comments too.
The technology the world has been waiting for has arrived, and the gods are having laugh, cause now people are more scared of technology than obscurity.
Better fasten your sit belts folks, looks like they are improving this Harp Tech, sorry i meant climate change.
Note That this Hurricane started as Greta Tunberg's ship (Climate Depopulation Activist ) landed in New-York, very excellent timing for naturally occurring weather system.
Climate change didn't cause this…….hurricanes have been around forever. Stop with the nonsense. If you think fossil fuels are the problem…..ask how you are going to change China's coal power industry??? They bare the worst of the worst
Looks like the countries the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA military industrial complex LIBERATED . 44,000 bombs dropped last year is man made climate change by YOUR LEADERS . Your silence is your consent .
Jesus christ… I do wonder how many climate change deniers online are paid trolls. Surely this many people can't be this stupid… Surely…
God gave you feet move off dam island. Or be kill
Stop the bull shit ……….and stop Controlling the weather poisoning the air Edamites
Stop geoengineering get your head out of your butt . They needed babie
S $$$ Epstein’s out now we do another Haiti and puertorico. Displaced babies human trafficking!!! Say the real story
Global Climate Taxation. The sun controls climate. All the things she listed are part of natural, phenomenon. man is also part of nature. Man is responsible for pollutions of various types CO2 is not one of them.
The "Weather-Makers" will eventually be dealt with Ecclesiastes 8:11; 12:14
Dane Wigington put out a short video about Dorian, explaining how they use microwaves
to slow down the hurricane, to avoid extreme damage to the US coastline.
lie by lie by lie….are You stupid?
When it's about climate, this channel should call itself "Fake News ".
If everything needs to rebuild then we much build the city can stand with win up 200 miles /hr
Weather manipulation is not climate change . .
It's easy to tell whether global warming alarmists are serious or not. Here’s all it takes… If they approve of inviting everyone on Earth to move to its most notorious carbon emitter (i.e., open borders), we know they’re… 1) astonishingly clueless,
2) intimidated, or 3) malevolent liars. But they most certainly are NOT serious! Don’t hesitate to call their bluff.
It has nothing to do with climate. Its weather manipulation u ignorant and stupid fools..
Thanks to @realnewsnetwork for their excellent reporting! Don’t mind the tin foil hat comments! People are insecure and wanna believe there’s more to it because is easier to believe that than acknowledging we all have blood on our hands for the the hardcore consumerism we’re addicted to
Wow I’m baffled by the comments posted on here. Read them at your own risk! ? everyone seems to have a theory that’s “proven” and facts. Climate change is now a climate crisis, thanks to all you idiots who wants to believe “ elite” and “Jews” manipulate the weather. The only manipulation going in is the conspiracies you’re reading lol
If we keep doing what we've been doing, we'll see storms much worse and more of them. We are fossil fools in love with money. It is insane!! Our extinction is assured with business as usual.
Ugh. It's not called climate change, it's called weather modification.
The push for a CO2 Global Warming Tax will increase Global corruption exponentially. The Grand Solar Minimum Cycle and the Rapid Magnetic Pole Reversal require a different approach to Climate Change than the CO2 Junk Science narrative. The number one concern at present and into the future is agriculture and how humanity will adapt to the Climate Change impact on food production. Longer and more severe winters. Increasing floods and hail in agriculture zones. These are the issues that must be researched, discussed and policy solutions enacted. Political agendas and profiteering from the CO2 hoax is compounding the problems of a Failed Central Banking System and a policy of Regime Change Wars. Diminishing financial resources from the Global Economic Collapse will need to be prioritized in a realistic framework. The Neo-liberal / ZionCon NWO is inching humanity into chaos and destruction.
The movie maker, Jamie Mitchell, was murdered, likely because of the timing of this incident, but, about to finish a movie documentary when, upon delivery of the last installation to make the film by, he died and the footage disappeared, the perpetrators performing both tasks in tandem.
Go to Dane Wigington's channel to see the signature a kindergartener could decipher as being associated with microwaves and stratospheric aerosol injection keeping Dorian in the grey mode. We are being played. One minute and fifty one seconds.