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About the Author: Youtubes MostSavage


  1. It literally looks like some cult ritual. When they are fighting the crowd in the back starts howling and gets excited. Its like they feel energized when they brutalize each other. They are howling like animals in excitement.

  2. Can you imagine how awesome America would be without "this"? This drain on resources? Worthless human beings who serve no purpose in life except to sweep floors and ask if you want fries with the burger. Even worse are the ones who live on welfare all their lives. Just imagine, none of this in their neighborhoods or spilling out into decent neighborhoods.

  3. COLD ARMY 29, out of respect please don't send me your crazy ass disrespectful comments ok, n Ashley Rave n the Woods, it's folks like you that get popped in the mouth for disrespecting using the N-word, stop it OK you're showing your true colors OK

  4. COLD ARMY 29, out of respect please don't send me your crazy ass disrespectful comments ok, n Ashley Rave n the Woods, it's folks like you that get popped in the mouth for disrespecting using the N-word, stop it OK you're showing your true colors OK

  5. Is it possible for black people to resolve arguments and disagreements civilly? Why does it always have to escalate to violence? When I was younger I lived in a black neighborhood and there was always someone being shot, stabbed and just getting the shit kicked out of them. It was an every day fucking occurrence. Fucking savages. (NOT ALL)

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