A Ghost and the Boy with a Box on His Head

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Theo meets his perfect girl whom no one else can see. Her name is Sadie and she’s everything he’s envisioned; down to the eerily similar doodles he made while daydreaming about her.
Denying the reality that others impose on him about her existence, he fights to hold on to her perfection. He is sent to a psychiatric hospital after irrefutable proof confirms he has a mental illness. Here, he rediscovers Sadie and goes through an adventure into the depths of his mind while battling diagnoses of schizophrenia. After being prescribed medication to cure his delusions, Theo runs away with Sadie. Once he is caught and sent back home, he must make the ultimate decision. Either he takes the medication and conforms to society or sacrifices himself to find happiness with Sadie, even if it’s only in his mind. Based on quantum theories about how we create the world around us, this film argues that in our love delusions, we are
creating a real person worth fighting for.


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  1. Invisible girl, from across the garden, apologises (I couldn't be real for you). Her words (((FOR YOU))) exposed much religiosity confusion. I have been romantically defective while existing for anyone else more than myself. Not cooperating/associating co-existence has handicapped society's peace, by tolerating/enduring relationship complacency against myself. Others including myself on another's behalf has been sin self-sabotaging my life when obstructing mutual cooperation/associatings.

    All subsets of society systems' mind bleaching invaders compare similar to religions which are comparable to commercialism, peer pressure, national government constitutions, etc mostly beautiful directions. Late in life's elder years I am learning to live for me and not anyone else. Living "MY" life around God is different in exceptions for angels, and being true to myself differentiate around family, friends, strangers & other people too. Somewhat like Mrs Mark Zuckerberg reported, "We were lucky finding one another for continuing the joy of growing up together" but I surpass her announcement with, "It is togethernesses which needs our help to grow up!" Growing up togethernesses will happen only through prioritizing perpetuating/"continuing the joy" growing up together.

    Very contradicting and oppositely my own integrity grows easier when God lives/gets-real for/with me.

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