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I was sleeping and I could not breath and I woke with a big gasp of air and I died and came back
he's so cute. i've never almost died, as far as i know.
I fell of a raft on a river and got kinda swept under some canoes and when I finally got kinda up I was on my knees with them being shoved into rocks and none of the people behind me tried ot help me up so I eventually found my footing but after I had a horrible headache and I coughed a lot… my knees are all messed up now
My mom was choking and I gave her the himelik
I was 2 and had a fever at 118 degrees Celsius. I stopped breathing and my heart stopped for a few seconds…of course, I don't remember anything
when I was an toddler my mother gave me a black olive to eat. My brother fell on me and my mother heard me gasp then silence. the figured after a few minutes with out screaming something was off. she came out of the kitchen to find me unconscious,blue, wait all my limbs turned outward and stiff. she tried everything to save me but as a last result she stuck her long finger nail down my throat and stuck the olive and pulled it out. she said she never knew how far gone I had been had she not seen rescue 911 15 years later and they has a similar situation. I have also almost died from drowning 3 times, had my neck crushed by a garage door, had hypothermia 2 times. had my friends car leaking carbon monoxide in the cabin with out eather of us knowing I would get horrible migraines every time I rode with her. caused me to seizure seizure that's how they figured out the leak. the worst and I can vaguely rember this because i was so bombed was my ex was obsessed with blood so he decided whall I was unconscious to cut me. he not only cut me deep the blood wouldn't stop but narrowly missed my femerl artery. i have hemoglobin issues and borderline hemophilia so when he couldn't stop the bleeding he dragged me onto a blanket on the floor rolled me up in it and left. i awoke a few days later covered in blood quilt covered in blood with no idea how I got there and what had happened. aperently he thought he accidentally killed me so he hid me in a quilt and left me to die. i never figured this out untill a year later he ran into me and he looked as if he had seen a ghost. he apologized profusely and explained what happened. i understood it was a accident but him not getting help and leaving me to potentially die is not okay. i told him I never wanted to see his face again. he moved out of state last I heard. i was young and didn't think about what consequences he should have faced. now I never let people come in my house been over 10 years alone in my house. i don't drink around people any more eather. it completely changed who I was.
1) today, actually, i almost drowned being a fucking idiot after ripping a whole in a party boat and trying to swim under it and getting stuck 2) falling of a roof and splitting my head open and breaking my ankle ALONE 3) eating rat posion as a child after some fucking assholes said "oh its pixie stick powder" 4) getting hit by a car
1) I almost drown at a pool party when I was 3, but a girl my age with the same bathing suit on as me pulled me up.
2) I choked on a chicken sandwich in 6th grade and thought that was the end so I can definitely relate to the orange
I got hit by a car
1) I choked on a boiled sweet and I was grabbing my throat and my sister was next to me but she thought I was joking so she ignored me. My mum had to stop her washing up and save me. Thank you mommy! 2) I have asthma and we were running around the big track in my school and of course I forget my asthma pump on that day so I had to sit in the middle of the track to try and breathe again. Lol
When I was 4 or 5 years old I didn't chewed a food properly and it got stock inside my body, so my belly was tearing apart while bleeding and right before it became too dangerous the doctor opened my belly from outside and picked up the peace of food. (I did died ones when being under doctor's hands though)
my near death experience was when I was really little and had a lung transplant I flatland but they got me back and I choked on a orange to when I was little and now do not eat oranges.
on vision please read this
My dad was shot with a 22 handgun and it hit and punctured his FERMAL ardery in his groin while he was sitting in his car (he got shot over a bag of weed and some money btw) immediately the man who shot him ran by the time the man was running like hell my dad had opened his door and collapsed on the ground.
there was so much blood everywhere because my dads blood was literally SQUIRTING out of his leg in fact it was squirting so fast that you could hear it. of course right then his life was fading. when he arrived at the hospital he had lost so much blood that he had no choice but to get a transfusion(as if he could make a decision) by this point everyone was rushing during experimental surgery(now Emma get into the freaky shiz) (my dad was gangbanging and selling drugs and the path he was on would end in death) when my dad had 2 feet in the grave he saw some weird shiz my dad had a friend named keith . Keith was shot by a Korean blood member directley in his face and passed just a few weeks back and my dad also had a dog named killer who died just a week back my dad said that he was in heaven and seen his friend walking his dog on a leash my dad was astonished to see this and he thought he was dead so of course as his dog was licking his face he tried to talk but he couldn't ( now were at the point were he wakes up) when he awoke he didn't know how to react so later on the doctors told him that he had a bigger chance of winning the biggest lottery in history 2 times row than surviving that so yea he was staring the grim reaper in the face
6 years ago I was at a hotel pool my brother was on the edge and my parents stopped paying attention to me and I started to drown if my brother wasn't there I would of died. Joy my parents were to busy to pay attention to me, just sitting there talking while I was drowning. Fun??
1) I almost got hit by a car
2) I fell on my head, and there was a big fucking hole on my head. but I got stitches. Fun fact, I actually didn't start crying,until my mom said she was going to bring me to the hospital.
Ohh and i choked on a cheese string
as a child i nearly got run over by a blue van (never told a soul). i had this dream and i was lying on a road in the middle of no were and all of a sudden i couldn't breath woke up with the covers over my head and guess what couldn't breath
1) i almost got hit by a car walking to a lake
2) i held a rope in my hand and planned on using it
3) i tried to drown in a bathtub when my best friend randomly came over. he saved my life more than once
Another one I remember: last year I was in Scotland and got hypothermia, that was fun…
i was going through a ruff patch and i tried to hang my self and my mum came home from work early and cut me from the rope.
my near death experience happened when i was 10-12 i got a really bad kidney infection which I'd to the lose of one of my kidneys also the doctor said if I'd come to them a day later i wouldn't have made it.
I went to a river and it had a big waterfall. People were jumping off of a cliff above it and I wanted to. Everyone told me to start swimming right when I felt water. So when I jumped in I didn't get any distance and went straight into the waterfall. When I was underwater the pressure kept pulling me down. When I looked up I realised how deep under I really was. I looked down and it was pitch black. To be honest I was kinda depressed and didn't want to swim up. But I started kicking and was almost to the top before I blacked out. I woke up coughing up water on side of the river. I kept crying and they took me to the hospital just to be sure
I think my near death experience would be about this one time I was riding my bike to the store and I hit a bump and my feet slid off the pedals, my foot go lodged in between the the part where the tire is attached to a bike and the spokes of the front tire. I was really scared of the whole thing because I could have broken my neck or cracked my head open because my bike fully stopped and the back tire was in the air and I guess my bike tipped sideways so I didn't face plant into concrete and I still had a twisted ankle but that didn't really matter, my twin had a near death experience right in my sight when he almost got hit by a speeding truck until I pulled him away.
When I was like 4 my family and I went to a beach in mexico… My mom was swimming out in the deep so I went as far as I could go on my tippy toes and mimicked her way of swimming…. After that a big wave covered me and after that all I remember is waking up in the sand and all my relatives were around me
I got a 4 wheeler flipped on top of me
When I was about three, my throat was constantly inflamed; it got so bad that I used to stop breathing in my sleep! The doctors said that it was a severe case of tonsilitis and the only option was to remove them using lasers. I also had to have my adenoids removed too. :3 I was only about three when this happened and when the surgery was over, my voice was REALLY high pitched!
My grama died in her room and she saw this bald man and he toched her where she was fealing pain and he said ( ITS NOT YOUR TIME YET) and then she woke up … And my grampas gandma died and it was her fiounaral and they wear dressing her for the fiounaral and she woke and she said (UUFF IT WAS COLD THERE WERE I WENT DO ME A TEA AND I WILL TELL U WHAT HAPEND ) so she told them ……. and then she died agayn ._.
I all most drowned from a log
I started choking on a pepper mint my dad gave me in church and I passed out sand my dad still will not let me eat hard candy to this day.
One day me and my cousins went to the movies after the movies we started walking home then this man came out of no where running after us so we all ran as fast as we could one of my cousins fell and the other one stopped to save her but I just kept running not knowing that , that had happened then her was running very fast as we all ran down the stairs and I almost fell on the concrete stairs almost hitting my head that man then just said sorry saying he was trying to scare us -_-
I got type 1 diabetes when I was 7 and my sugar was 1000. the doctor told my mom I would almost defiantly die. I did for 1 minute when the doctor was out of the room,so my daddy saved me by turning up da machine and yes,he isn't professional
When I was nine I chocked on a peice of lettuce in a salad then like five minetes later a chocked on the a cucumber slice from the same frigin salad