Welcome back to another video, today we are looking at GANG INITIATION GONE WRONG
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Psh boy can fight. Now he gonna waste his life hanging with these wannabe thugs
I love watching low lifes hurt themselves and each other.
Thats was GREAT camera work…most of it wasnt even on camera…dumbass
Lames he sound like trump lies
This is a gang I would not mess with shit got too real ???
The sausage boys
He fast as fuck boi
i would have second thoughts if i was that kid on joining this gang after working them all…. lol id start my own gang
Well he’s the new leader
Sum Cali shit??
Those weren't gangbangers
Omg dude too good to be in a gang he should be a boxer
Looks like all 3 got jumped in at the same time.??
What's the name of the gang? The Three Stooges?
Solo guy savage
Straight drop the big homie like I’m the real og
What set these girls claim??♂️
Weakest court in lol
Weak ass shit
Mexican gangs? S.m.h… just get the tattoos that might make you look tough or something.
That’s the whitest gang I seen bru go to Compton or the Bronx y’all would all get capped
This are lsme asf
Gone wrong..like the guy using the camera ?
I would pay money to fight these guys.
Weak ass jump!!!
So what kind of initiation is this?? Getting jump and fight for ur life or knockdown one of ur seniority and become a leader of a gang??. Lol.. that whiteguy is a joke
Guy in the white shirt was the most useless of them all
He jumped them weak ass foos out lol
?????? reconsider that gang shit.
Lmao wtf
lol week ass gang
Gay gang
Wow, they jumping him in but he got more hands then all them combined???
Both would have been the first to be jumped out. First 2 ..that didn't do the do foh this shit a joke on one in the white shirt look like he was the one getting initiated??????
Who would wanna be in a gang with those wimps
Damn 2seconds n da Big nikka already falling ??
More like he courted them out ??
Chongo trash at fighting
Dude in the tan top should get a walk out just for standing there
Muttha fker beat that niiqa up he weak af!
Stopped filming cuz the guy who was supposed to get beat down did the beating down of the bangers… LoL
No wonder they wanted him in their gang. Now they have someone that can fight.