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To some David Icke is a charismatic rebel fighting against the unseen powers which rule the world.
To others he is a dubious figure deserving of scorn and ridicule.
But whatever you may think of him, David is one of the world’s most prominent conspiracy theorists and has a global following to match.
His controversial claims include that the world is run by a secret cabal of alien lizards who appear to us as well-known public figures.
But there is more to him than meets the eye,
Long before his theories became public he was a professional footballer and, later, a prime-time BBC presenter and journalist.
So is he just another conspiracy crank? Or something else entirely?
Join me and David in the London Real studio and decide for yourself.
Watch the FULL episode NOW https://londonreal.tv/david-icke/
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#LondonReal #Motivation
War is the nearest thing to hell on Earth.
Escape these conditioned 'realities' by reading the Lam Rim Chen Mo by Lama Tsongkhapa, and understand dependent arising…
his hands looks crazy ! look att hiss right hand/fingers
David you are an inspiration!!!
Noone would persist to deliver a message with such intelligence and research unless he believed in it deeply. Regardless if his items are correct or not, you cant argue he is one of the most sincere people Ive met and hes a very determined man who makes little money doing this.
LR , you have fallen in my estimation if you too believe in stupid theories. Why don’t those damn lizards use something else other than negative energy? It’s absolutely ridiculous. I guess I’m part of the problem. This guy is a fool. His theories can be ripped apart. Lizard people. Too funny
God wins. WAKE UP Icke!!! God Bless you!!! Do not be deceived. I am not talking about "religion". I am talking about getting to know your Creator!
So there are energy vampires? Does anyone else wonder what is burried under all the Football pitches? Or why the presenters always have a double x behind them?
What a hero! He's my hero.
I posted this on FB…stay happy people
“good vibrations “
a battery?! Now you know why Buddha sat his ass down and didn't move. Fuck the Gods!
If your even the slightest bit woke , you will realise that everything he says is true .
Thank God ewe are awakening and smelling the roses so to speak.
Haven't we has had enough of these Evil Brittish monarchies get rid of them de- throne them take away their power and there arse lickers that protect them like scum and scummy paediphiles. All they want is havoc and power. Look what they have to my or our beautiful Pacific, and America and China in the name of greed and power. When a Monarchies has to kill and cause havoc to gain power it tells you something is not right. The English Royals are pure Evil.
Exposssure To Our Plansss Mussst Be Ssstopped, I've Asssked The Hierarchsss Ssseveral Timesss To Let Me Persssonally Lead A Team To Assssssassssssinate Thisss Expossser.
He knows exactly what he's talking about,i've seen "journalists" working for the illuminati try to ridicule him and put labels on him on tv,when they failed they were like "well time's up thanks for joining us David".
I'm king of the universe earth and hell satan Kyle kalagian 2nd of the Gods pride wrath king devil king. Helmut bakaitis is God the Father Allah. Your in the matrix now and billions of u all at once r going to get nuked soon by xi Jinping Putin and trump. Ww3 has been going on for 5 years now and soon billions will be getting chewed by chewy monster beezelebub for forever…..Dantes inferno
For we wrestle not against FLESH and BLOOD, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against SPIRITUAL wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12. Believe it or don’t. You don’t have to be religious to believe.
I used to believe all the conspiracy nonsense until I looked at the statistics. the world is getting much better. look at Steven pinkers Ted talk. it doesn't add up to the evil conspiracy nonsense that people believe and people believe it blindly. I don't know how many conspiracies I used to believe without actually doing any individual research by myself. If I read a conspiracy I believed it without question. blindly believing every conspiracy theory is no better than blindly believing the government
matrix no heaven and hell its real and we are able to do hectic universal magic by using how we think focus on diferent beliefs and feelings plus expect unbelievable things to happen but believe it 150% and it will come true i have done stuff and seen stuff that would make most people terrorfied for life
Wow! Someone got you pouting David! I have their email address too if you want it! You have no idea how real I'm being right now, for real! Hahahaha!
The problem is they will broadcast the world we will soon live in, this silly man doesn't even know he is being used.
He's right about one thing this world is run by Satan. But only Jesus can truly save us.
bruh moment
Listen. People need to learn to communicate better. I mean here on this comment section of David's video. Take a lesson from him, he is fairly articulate. SLOW DOWN and use good English and watch your grammar. If you don't know what grammar is, look it up and learn what that is, take the time to do that. But I think the important thing is for us to all SLOW DOWN. Our thinking a million miles per hour and trying to convert that to communicating at that same speed is lunacy.
This man just confirms what was written in the Bible for the longest time, there is a world filled with demons, and angels among us that we can’t possibly see with our natural eyes. The demons are evil entities ruled by the one of many casted out of the heavens, Satan. He has been referred to as a dragon in some the Bible’s books. Guys all these movies get all of their ideas right out of the Bible. Why? Because the Bible is the truth and is prophesy, by the one and only creator of this world or “matrix.” The “mythical creatures,” apocalypses, the chosen one who is the hero (Jesus). Guys this is real, these entities are real, the spiritual war for souls is real. But just like every movie or book written, there is an end, the end is only true for our natural world but our souls will continue as immortals in either heaven or hell for all of eternity, choose wisely.
We just need to defund public education. If there are fewer engineers and scientists, it would be absurdly expensive to hire them.
'Aliens' (aka demons) call that energy loosh, I believe.