An earthquake is most commonly known as the shaking of the Earth’s surface. It is normally caused when two blocks of Earth suddenly slip past one another. This then causes a sudden release of energy that could either feel like a small tremor or violent shaking.
Earthquakes are one of nature’s most destructive forces. They have the power to demolish cities in a matter of seconds. Scientists measure earthquakes according to the Richter Magnitude Scale.
The scale ranges from one to nine. The one magnitude is the weakest measurement and normally can’t be felt. The nine magnitude is the highest rating which is believed to cause the most damage.
READ HERE: https://list25.com/25-scariest-earthquakes-in-history/
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Music Credit: Apprehensive at Best by Biz Baz Studio
Did you say the Japan 2011 quake had a death toll of over 200,000? I believe it was more like 22,000. I mean, still an unimaginable loss, but there is a big difference between those two numbers.
What about the New Madrid earthquake in the Midwestern United States in 1811-1812? That one was surely unexpected. Legends said that the earthquake made the Mississippi River run backwards!
love you vids I think you're voice would be great for like a show on history or animal planet
Japan in 2011 lost around 36000-38000 people. The 230000 number you gave was 2004, Indian Ocean. Committing to so many videos, you guys sometimes apparently dont leave enough time for proper research, or script proofing
Worse 1986 El Salvador 8.5 earthquake took so many life’s
№ 8 is a Megathrust Earthquake.
# 24. 1556! didn’t know that China had skyscrapers 4 hundred years ago! The picture kinda looks like Chicago’s north loop! ?
Mike, I found it ironic that the ad that popped up before the video was a pro-POTUS misinformation ad.
My Aunt was actually in Mexico during the 2017 earthquake on a mission trip. Luckily she and her group were okay. I remember being very worried about her.
an earthquake of 9.5 not on top 1?? what kind of "top list" is this?
no. 4 was on my b day ?? for them r.i.p
This video really brought home the true devastation that earthquakes cause and how grateful I am that I live in the UK and don't have to face anything to that magnitude.
really like, subscribe dude
I was in Italy when the earthquake struck in 2016 but we 2,hours away from where it struck and it happened in thr early hours of the morning. I had lots of messages from friends on Facebook in various parts of the works asking me if my family and I were ok. I didn't know why they were asking until I read a message mentioning the earthquake. I went to the living room and saw my dad watching the news and there it was. The devastation of a once beautiful medieval town reduced to rubble.
Last night. I was having sex. It didn't show up on the Richter scale but, the Earth sure moved for me.
Really, maybe your images should be a bit closer to the time frame you talking about, and if there are images of what you are talking about, use them!!!!!!!
When mentioning the Fukushima quake and tsunami of 2011, you forgot the nuclear disaster that followed the natural disaster.
it was a minor one but for someone who never felt an aftershock, it was odd.
July 2019 aftershock felt in Vegas (and L.A)
—–scary but maybe these quakes are signs the earth is trying to tell the humans something?
On January 17, 1994
We had a 6.7 earthquake in Northridge, California. This one felt different from other earthquakes I have felt including the 4th of July 2019 earthquake in Ridgecrest..a 7.1 -92 miles away.
The Northridge quake (which is about 22 miles from where I live) was an up and down motion.. it was a shallow quake at about 11 miles deep. Which made The shaking very violent! It felt like a roller coaster sharply going up and down with thrown up in the air and down again motion..
the faults that were triggered near by, were also shallow but the had the rolling motion.. it took 3 days for the National Guard to get here to pass out water and to help out the damaged areas closer to the epicenter.
Our death toll was not high. But major freeways that fell (I-14 & I-5)
Affected our commute to us that work in Downtown Los Angeles …Well, just to go outside of the Santa Clarita Valley,
Took up to 3 hours to cross over the 14 & the 5 freeways. It normally took ten minutes.
I had motion sickness from the movement of the earth after the major event..
it was first time that I saw
The movement of the earth coming at me … that was a trip…
Christchurch New Zealand September 4th 2010 at 4.35am a 7.1 then February 22nd at 12.51pm 2011 only 185 people died but 185 to many in Christchurch again 6.4, then June 2011 another earthquake 6.3 no deaths thank god. Still pretty scary to go through all 3 quakes in that time frame. Then 2016 Kaikoura in New Zealand 7.3 quake. They say the Alpine fault is over due now by 2 years. It last when 1717 so 300 years ago. If it goes they say it's meant to be big an really bad for New Zealand. Dam earthquakes.
Mike: are you getting sick again?
The Richter Scale goes to 10. The largest recorded earthquake was 9.5 in Chile. A ten is total destruction as it's not a linear scale.
Here in Arkansas we have very few earthquakes. I have family that survived the 1989 San Fran quake but nothing & I mean absolutely nothing could prepare me for the devastation I saw in Haiti in 2011. People were carrying tents from Wal-Mart off the airplane, it was their home for as long as it held together. It was about 15 months after the quake & so much was still to be done. I have friends that travel there yearly & they said it's getting better nearly 10 years later. When you live in the poorest country in the Western hemisphere it is going to take a long time to rebuild.
An Earthquake that my grandmother was in was the 1931 Hawke's Bay Earthquake that was the worst to hit New Zealand Killing 256 at a magnitude 7.8 at the time it was very bad for New Zealand and then the Christchurch Earthquakes of 2010 and 2016 not much better the same year the Fukushima quake hit
Bright room. Cool. ✌️
I love your chanel you guys are all funny and informative. ? ?