Band: The Doors
Album: The Very Best of The Doors
Release date: 2001
Track number: 10
Genre: Psychedelic Rock
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel
Yeah, we’re goin’ to the Roadhouse
Gonna have a real
Good time
Yeah, in back of the Roadhouse they got some bungalows
Yeah, in back of the Roadhouse they got some bungalows
Death’s for the people
Who like to go down slow
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, all night long
You gotta roll, roll, roll
You gotta thrill my soul, alright
Roll, roll, roll, roll, a’thrill my soul
Ya gotta beep a gonk a chucha
Honk konk konk
Ya gotta, each you puna
Each ya, bop a lula
Each ya’ll, bump a kechonk
Ease some konk
Ya, ride
Ashen lady, Ashen lady
Give up your vows, give up your vows
Save our city, save our city
Right now
And I woke up, good mornin’, and I got myself a beer
Yeah, I woke up, good mornin’, and I got myself a beer
The future’s uncertain and the end is always near
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, baby, roll
Let it roll, all night long
You got to roll…. roll.. roll…roll… thrill my soul 😉
Peter Griffin: kicks the door roadhouse.
Rey lagarto tu legado sigue vigente eres mi ídolo tus rolas tu voz tu forma de ser eres unico
2019 escuchando música de verdad
Pinches anuncios te quitan la inspiración
I love myself some hip hop and rap, but my god can I always respect and just fucking tap my foot to the beat to greats like these.
Piece of shit!
Hey Morrison, let's go bar hopping. We'll get smashed and make fools out of ourselves!!
Viva el rock desde Chile felices fiestas patrias viva Chile ♥️??
La musica es el idioma mundial
1:05 e sto cazzo è un po' blues
Harmonica the best instrument ever developed been paying for 45 years and still keep learning makes every song that much better
SEI ETERNO JIM MORRISON ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
"I woke up this morning and got myself a beer,the future's uncertain and the end is always near". Truer words were never spoken.
Tengo 21 años. Y aqui retumbamos boscinas con esta joya.
The ultimate drinking song
Sto cazzo e un po' pelos 1:06?
La clasica en las tardeadas en El barrio Mex df o Edo de Mex ..la Ultima cancion que ponia El sonido mariguanos ,borrachoss asta los que no sabian bailar la bailabann ..saludos desde Chicago Illinois
Esto es musica mis amigos!!!
Jim WAS the Doors in my personal opinion. He was fucking awesome! !!
Always will be very sadly missed ?
This music exists:
Muse: thanks for the riff
Los odio a todos,
son 3 pendejos,
en especial Kenny,
a quien odio mas
Vamos ,ya se saben la letra :V
Unos extasis y esta musica y una mujerr q mas
2:23. Thats nepali language ??