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P.O. Box 677681 Orlando FL 32867
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You should take some orange juice over to the grave of John M. Fox buried there. He was the founder of Minute Maid. You could propose a toast and see if he'll do an EVP interview. You could also put a Chiquita sticker on his marker…if there's not one already stuck there. 🙂
18:21 I hear a possible female saying something and then on 18:27 it sounds like she says "I love you". There seems to be whispering in this whole area, 18:38. It is definite that
Glen Haven Memorial Park and Mausoleum is haunted.
Is this place by an airport? I'm only asking because so many airplanes are flying over.
Frank to take care of the wind noise you can put fussys on the speaker parts. helps filter it and you won't hear them or we won't I mean. ♥️? Love you honey stay safe.
Out of curiosity how do you know that its bodily fluids that is leaking? Usually in the morgue they drain the bodily fluids. Embalming fluid maybe but I've never heard of it leaking out of the area that they are buried. I would love to know what the fluid is that's on the ground
just after you said hello and turned the corner you hear hello 2:45. the red balloon has move from your left when you were walking up the sidewalk to the left side when you were leaving 2:20 it was on the left and at 9:27 its on the left
29:54-55 there’s a shadow behind him at the wall. It’s not Frank’s shadow. Moments earlier when he got up from looking under that area of the building he briefly flashed back at that area and there was nothing there. But when he faces the camera at himself I saw the shadow.
Tears are a lot of wasted suffering.
them dang planes tho!!
Have you informed this cemetery that they have leaking vaults?
is that not a major health hazard IF its body fluids /embalming fluids ? im guessing that would be a huge no no
12:00 mark, that was creepy AF!!!
Great video keep up the great work you doing and please be safe
Take a sip of that body fluid lmao
Not sure if anyone else caught it before I did, the red balloon was on the left side 2:21 of the entrance to the pavilion, as you were coming back, it was on the right 9:27, and very random that it was the only balloon there
EPIC , Most Epic Video I’ve ever seen! Frank you captured the Holy Grail Of Paranormal evidence. I am just blown away , you did an outstanding Job !!! I don’t even want to blink because I’m afraid I’ll miss something. Those body fluids at The crypts, I don’t understand that? I wonder if they weren’t prepared properly or they weren’t lined with a Cement vault, That White Mist was Epic!!! That was a Spirit you captured, on film, WOW! I’m so proud of you Franko , you kept your composure, you’re so Alpha, Love it ! I have to rewatch this video, about 10 more times, because I love it that much.I need to listen with EarPods . This is the ONLY video Ive ever saved to my play list. Frank You deserve an Award for this Amazing Video ! Love you , Love your Videos. I haven’t seen Weeping Angel video yet , I can’t wait ! ❤️?????
WoW at 12:06
FRANKO?? The bubbles you've pointed at, it's not bubble! Look at how uniform they are. It's bacteria microbes that thrive on blood. That is dangerous! That place should be reported! It's a bio-hazardous place with multiple leakages and zero bio-hazard maintenance!! It's out in the air! Now it's air-borned in that community along with the flies. Did you take Microbiology? Do you recognized the organism you've caught on tape? When you see that again! please run from that place and get a mask on! Do not visit any place looking like this video! You don't know the danger you're in! That microbe could cause the kind of pneumonia and meningitis you never want to get! Please take care of yourself and on alert!
Time stamp at 12:02 — see those colonies looking pink and yellow, like a bundle of flowers! They are alive!
I am not afraid of ghost/spirit! I am terrified of the medical bills and when you have to fight for your life to regain your health.
Wow Franko I just love this video! So sad about the body fluence and that mist that was so amazing! I just love your videos! But that wind charms it like there was someone there! Please be safe!!
Wow man that misty stuff was crazy! Definitely a spirit!
Just catching back up with you I know your videos are always great I always hit the like button thanks man
That was awesome franco. Thanks from spain, keep em coming.
You tell us 2 comment about things you possibly miss and then strait up ignore when we do. The girl behind the tomb is probly the best you’ve captured 2 date. surprised you missed it or maybe embarrassed you did.