A crazy video of a dog that attacks a group of people on a beach in San Sebastian, Spain.
After the dog mauls a man and knocks him over, another man tries to fend off the animal using his shoes.
According to witnesses, the owner eventually managed to control the dog and was questioned by police in relation to the attack.
Aside from the injuries suffered by the family, no one else was hurt.
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put your arm out as a nice tasty treat, let him clamp, slide hand over snout and squeeze opposing sides of the upper jaw, twist arm and scoop legs, snap however many bones you want!
That dog wants grandpas ass bad!
and the award for the worst camera person goes to…..
Try that on me you mutt and you'd be tasting my belt right across the chopsy wopsys and the owner is next!
When will humans realize that a dog is an animal and a hunter by instinct…. dogs should never be let off the leash when in public!
what a bunch of idiots ! dogs have the ability to know, when a human is too stupid.
Body language was all play, you idiots
Stupidasses. I think he was just playing around and they made it worse
God when did humans forget how to animal. Charge the damn dog, go on the attack trust me. There are six of you
Dogs are allowed on a beach?
I would’ve stabbed that dog in the neck, laughed, and kept walking.
the men were weak cowards..they failed to protect the ladies in any way
I've been attacked by dogs, put your fucking shoe on and kick them in the teeth, works every time
shoot the dog in the head
fucking pit bulls
what a bunch of pansies
Wtf is nobody eles on the beach helping these people?!? ?
A man should have carried that dog into the water and drowned it.
Porque no llamas a la policía en vez de alcahuetear grabando? gilipollas
well take dog owner to the court anyway thats hell ….damn
Que genta mas tonta señora? Agarralo? Pruebe usted de coger a ese animal en ese estado. Es una ridicula y una absurda. Y en el fondo esta usted disfrutando como una perra. Por cierto, a los dos minutos de video se acuerda usted del "nene" muy bien tambien. Bravo señora.
I never go on the beach with any of my dogs unless they have a leash if somebody else has a dog that approach is my dog who is not on a leash and I think Mike give my dog a problem I drop my dogs leash I let him sort it out
I just see a dog wich want to play, and a bunch of idiots, specially the bearded one.
I saw a man kick a dog to death on the beach, STOP breeding
up these damn unsanitary animals, they are a nuisance
Stupid owner of the dog
One low kick and the dog would have gone to sleep.
People stupid…
All that dog needed was a good swift punch to the nose 1 good time
put a damn leash on your dog people
Porqhe no corren al agua??? Why don't they run to the beach?
Idiots talk to to the dogs communicate with them
Theirs all types of drunks. This dog is a violent drunk. He's at the beach and had to many to drink.