Official 9/11 Memorial Museum Tribute In Time-Lapse 2004-2014

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A letter from the CEO & Founder of EarthCam:

It’s been a heroic undertaking to rebuild downtown New York City after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Within days of this national tragedy, I personally installed a camera to webcast the rescue and recovery for the families, and the world, to see the brave determination of first responders. As the recovery effort continued, we installed more cameras to document the rebuilding and construction of the site. This commemorative time-lapse honors the victims of 9/11 and is dedicated to their families and friends, with special gratitude to the first responders and the steadfast construction teams.

A super hardworking team at EarthCam, who I am so proud to work with, spent countless hours keeping the many webcams at the World Trade Center active for 4,617 days (and counting). This unprecedented effort provided our in-house editors with over 1 million images to choose from when creating this two-and-a-half minute video, as well as our other commemorative World Trade Center movies.

We at EarthCam are committed to continuing this photographic documentation to educate future generations and have donated all the images as well as the original camera to the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

I hope this time-lapse serves as a way to recognize that for the 10 years of construction, there was constant progress made to rebuild these important 16 acres of America.

Brian Cury

Produced & Directed by Brian Cury

Archival Producers: Lana Moskalyova & Juan Navas

Webcam Technology: Bill Sharp, James Nicoll, Michael Winfield

Editors: Brian Cury & Ruslan Kolodenker

Location: Riese Restaurants and Millenium Hilton

Special Thanks: Jason Brossa, Joseph Nizza, Keith Winkler, Gus Oh, Amanda Valentin, Michael Van Rensalier, Jeff DeLiberto, James Stump, Charles Dilkes, Phil Pfisterer, Sherri Dudley, Todd Maloof, Kirstin Uptegrove, Lauren Hopkins, Lisa Kelly


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About the Author: EarthCam


  1. FACT: the footprints are actually offset slightly from original ones.

    Why I don't know but they could have aligned them exact but they sit offset some but not much.

  2. It truly does represent and commemorate the day up to now for us, does it not? These twin wounds like a vampire’s lie open, black and the bleed into themselves indefinitely. They mock us at the same time too. Imagine a cigar-chomping grin drawn underneath that white building between the twin flushing sink-holes. You know that look like Groucho Marx.

  3. Man, I wish they stood today. I would have been great to see it standing and back. May those be blessed in the eternal world with god. Long live those who died in the cruel attacks.

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