Playing Fetch with my ADHD Baby Toucan!

Playing Fetch with my ADHD Baby Toucan!
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*I do NOT recommend or endorse Toucan’s as pets.*


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  1. Ah, Maeve is adorable.

    Maybe Maeve thinks fetch means throwing something on the floor.

    Daddy throws many things and says fetch each time.

    Maeve throws white thing and waits for Daddy to say fetch.

    Maeve waits. Daddy no fetch???

    Maeve thinks Daddy not understand fetch game properly.

    Fetch game variations.

    Daddy say fetch. Maeve chew on daddy's toes and socks.

    Daddy say fetch. Maeve try to throw camera on floor.

    Maeve thinks daddy does not play fetch well.

  2. you may have already answered this, but is it bad for their feet to be hopping on hard surfaces? I suppose that in the wild they are in trees or the forest floor, which would be soft. Just wondering.

  3. That is a gorgeous animal. Nature is being raped for timber, farmland and pets. It's despicable, whatabout the animals? What if you see them and don't buy them. Oh, sometimes I wonder where IAM and what I did wrong to end up here. IAM my, your conscience.

  4. You should try to see what their favorite colors are by getting a toy they have never seen, in multiple colors, and line the toys against a wall for them to choose from .

  5. I adore Toupac's healthy bright bill, especially the the red stripe. Maeve is such a firebrand but yes she is very respectful. Can you give us a video health update about him?Any luck with contacting an experienced Avian Vet? Thanks as usual for the great videos.

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