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Thank you to the following Patrons:
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Lari Michaelis
Brittanny Payne
Jeffrey Monzingo
Dylan Kilah_9639
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Other Music by:
CO.AG Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji
Outro Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsSvwIH1yDo
For copyright matters or business enquiries, please contact me: thespookymikkel@gmail.com
Happy Halloween! ?
The last vid made me spill my tea literally
Yeah ok, the last one did get me.
After watching the 1st Video
Me:(Jump on my Chair when i see the Lady hanging)Ok enough watching go back to the bed
Why do all the ghosts wear white face paint?
Is it just me or when the Japanese voices speak it sounds like minions
No, it’s just cold since the air conditioning is quite high, I’m alright. Goose bumps are just normal….
Yes that girl looked like doll but ANY Asian girl with boxy hair cut and bangs would. Seriously.
The last video made me jump ?
This is Photoshop
i almost pee at the last part lol
I swear the last video scared the hell out of me this is why I love Japanese ghost videos
I saw something over 20 years ago,something 100% evil.I could not run nor scream the only thing I remember doing was praying pslams 1 in my mind until that thing,powerful evil thing decided to leave and flew away.watching videos like this one to see if I can see something like what I saw,so far 99% are fake!
Why all the Japanese ghost videos looks fake? Well I can agree that they are scary.. but they look fake af…
Omg To what happened to the news reporter after that? I know they found her on the other side of the street but does she continue working or were there any problems after that? That was scary
Down with the little girl bowing at the end of the performance at school looks like she has the same uniform that all the other students are wearing. I am I there was a death of a child and that was her favorite thing.
The one that you said I'm Room symbols are doll well they should be all look alike so I don't think it a down. May be a girl died in a fire
telepotation how that possible???
All these clips have talented people behind them. Every idea here makes it look like its from 1985..
i was sleepy when watching this then the number 1 came up.. guess no sleeping tonight…
Ok…. Wtf… This is really sick…
The girl just fall and gone when she was talking to the camera….shes never ben find…
All of these are super fake… it's too bad.
Me in Japanese ghost house
Ghost : NANI
Oooook.. time for cat videos.. geez
I was searching for a video to be able to have nightmare when am sleeping and none of these clip did their job
First 3 videos are bullshit
Lol that last video also scared me ??
3rd one, why is that boys stand is a girl. Is he a joestar descendant??
in number 3 the doll has blacked out eyes or something and the white candle is to keep that spirit or thing inside that room so when she went it the room the doll may have reacted to her and that's why she ran out screaming because the doll was taking her eyes or something i don't know i am taking a guess at what i know as a person that research these type of events.
Its hard to believe Japanese "ghost". #2 Not a mention about the reporter fainting?
What in the world is Japanese videos always blur ??…. I want 2 see everything ???
lol that jump scared at the last part my heart
You got me with that last one Sir Spooks
3:44 I don’t like the close up of whoever that is. 11:18 I LOVE the “eeeeeEEEEHH” he does when running away that made me crack up XD
Idk if the girl without eye is edited or wht but she still looks gorgeous af lel
I feel bad
Japanese are very smart , I think these are fake
I think #5 two ghost appear. The one who passed by and the other on was on stage.
Wtf last video is crazy .
fake but scary.. not watching til the end
Lol 9:30 after the broadcast she run to wear jacket and go back home hhahaha
I need to die in Japan…can you imagine? Be the only one male ghost surrounded by just females? Wow..A real paradise for soul…
Your videos are very creepy i like it
I bet the beta-masculine mangina-cuck with blue hair at the beginning of the video dampened the mood for many.
#1 ???
roof in the first video is a part of famous house studio in Japan.
therefore, it is definitely fake.