Adorable dog recovers from badly wounded ear.

Adorable dog recovers from badly wounded ear.
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This gorgeous boy’s ear was destroyed by maggots. Neighbors had tied him to make sure he didn’t wander away before we arrived, but when we met this sweetheart we realized he was so loving and friendly he would never have resisted being carried, if it meant he’d squeeze in some more snuggles. He needed extensive wound treatments, daily flushing and bandaging and a course of antibiotics, but he was cheerful from the first moment until his healing was complete after a month. When happy animals are very hurt helping feels good. Please donate:


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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. Con solo mirar en kee condiciones lo encontraron a este amiguito para comprender la crueldad del humano…gracias a sus benditas manos …no podremos cambiar el mundo…pero para EL uds le cambiaron la vida …saludos de PERÚ

  2. I remember that I found two puppies in the street they were lost I took care of them so that nothing happened to them and then they came to look for it and I was happy that I could take care of two very cute puppies

  3. I want them to serve all other states too…rather than only Rajasthan..the animals aren't treated well in India… Please expand your company/service for these angels

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