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Programme website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b052r50y Female capuchins go to extraordinary lengths to get the attention of a male.
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That is so cute I can’t stop smiling over this.
This is okay… In other animal… Male even give their life to get female
too sweet ?
The alpha male lol he is too small and cute ?
He's smart just slap those sluts away
I tried that with a woman smashed her brains in with a rock–spent 10 yrs in a special hospital for it.
Interesting, but the music really took away from the video. It dumbs the video down.
I am going to throw a stone at my adorable male colleagues tomorrow.
why does that post prime 4/10 bug eyed capuchin think she deserves an alpha?
Maybe women just need to get bigger stones to knock us males out in the human world to get our attention Hahahaha works in the animal kingdom haha
This is just like humans when a man that has a big crush on a attractive woman they'll stop at nothing to get their attention too same goes with women when they see attractive men
Absolutely adorable. This makes me smile and laugh.
That is the single most adorable thing I have ever seen. xD
Funny thing is this incident is usually reversed in human world.