An iconic scene from Dereck and Beverly Joubert’s film Eye of the Leopard where a curious Legedema discovers a newborn baby baboon that brings out a different response to the one you’d expect.
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©Wildlife Films
she simply took care and put on weight to eat later kkkkkkk
this is thing means there is agod
Que lindos
Fighting aninmals help each other but humans fight like the animal
Not even this love human beings has after my mom left this World????, wat kind of people are around me lord!! ?
I bet she had him fir breakfast,
Los que hacen estos vídeos, están en la obligación; de matar con el RIFLE a esos LEONES y TIGRES porque ésos leones; matan a muchos animalitos, y están causando la extinción de los animalitos hermosos, y también "han matado a humanos"…. Pero causa mucha ira; porque éllos; NO LE DISPARAN CON EL RIFLE A LOS LEONES Y TIGRES, AUNQUE PUEDEN HACERLO, pero lo único que hacen; es disfrutar viendo, cómo esas fieras torturan y matan, a esos hermosos ANIMALITOS…….
EL ELEFANTE TIENE MUCHO MAS VALORES, QUE LOS HUMANOS,, PORQUE ELLOS DEFIENDEN DE LA MUERTE, A LOS OTROS ANIMALITOS……. Los humanos que no defienden a los animalitos de los tigres y leones; ésos humanos son peores que las serpientes venenosas…
i think the leopard is a female and this is mother instinct showing- she knows its a baby, it cant harm you and it needs comfort
Que triste o bichinho vai virar janta
Did he eat him in the end? well yeah, that's how nature works ?
That's so sad to see the baby baboon clinging unto it's dead mom
That's some crazy shit!
So sweet
solo gli animali umani possono dare tutto questo dolore: una ripresa così, senza dare possibilità al piccolo ORFANO di salvarlo é da veri animali. only human animals can give all this pain: a recovery like this, without giving the little ORFANO the chance to save him, is like real animals.
Did she really adopted it?
Leaped : naw
Cuddling with his midnight snack
buna ok !!
سبحان الله العظيم سبحان من حنن قلب الحيوان المفترس على هذا القرد الصغير
Como e lindo a natureza matou a mãe mais teve compaixão do filhotinho que lindo.
Protecting her baby not defending to kill. ?
the cannibal Lecturer
Animals are by far more interesting than humans.
Western dreamer forget that the leopard cannot feed the monkey with milk, so the miracle have 24hour maximum.
Sübhanallah! The miracle of Allah!
Plz safe all animals
he ate it afterwards..stop talking nonsense..
They cut the video short she ends up saving the baby for a midnight snack.
Who you kidding? That's just dessert for later!
Leopard: crap I killed its mum
á 2 loài động vật khác nhau mà có thể chăm sóc dduocj đúng là có 1 không 2
Wow! how we could leave from killing?
Oh good save the animal
Save baby monkey