This is Jeddah. He loves to be tickled, petted and scratched. Look at that blissful face.
Jeddah is a Grey-Headed Flying-Fox.
I usually clip my videos quite short when it’s all one behaviour being shown, but this bliss went on and on and I just couldn’t bring myself to deprive you of any of the lengthy joy.
I particularly loved the yawny and sniffy bits about half way through. And I love the curl of the tongue as he yawns.
This bat was not releasable due to injuries. He is in care with a vaccinated and licensed bat carer.
This bat is not a pet. He was a baby hand raised for release, and became an education animal.
He is used to being handled. He actively solicits attention and cuddles.
There have been suggestions that this bat is terrified and the squeaks are not cute. This bat is in bliss and is able to get away from the carer at any time. He is choosing to be stroked. He solicits attention.
Video by Mandi Griffith, a carer with Sydney Wildlife.
This video is being managed by Rumble. For all requests for usage of the footage, please contact them.
omg I get sleepy just watching this. also when you stop petting him he gets this look on his face like "why'd you stop?"
Are bats just tiny flying dogs ?
That's a pretty big bat.
This bat has pure joy on his face the whole time and it’s heart melting
Showed this to my mom without telling her it sone of the things she's scared of most lol. She loved up until the reveal…
How precious
Dont lie…. its a Flying Doggo
Sometimes when I tell people that flying foxes are the largest bats with a wingspan of 5 feet they tell me they hope they never see one in real life. Flying foxes aren't scary.
The Bat thinks you are BATMAN!
Awww maaaan, Jeddah is real real cute!!
Looks more like a juvenile German shepherd than a bat it's huge lol
So cute
Sky puppy.
cool dog.
I spent $100.00 on a bat house four years ago and not one single bat. I even put guano that I took from under a bridge and not one. I would die to get a bunch of these cuties to fly around my yard at night.
What a lovely video! Despite this little fellas bright eyes, of course he can't see very much with them – but we can hear, and see, how he's using his "sonar" clicks to build a picture in his little mind of the person who's loving and tickling him! What wonderful and sadly underestimated creatures Bats are. Perhaps their connection to "Vampires" in film and literature has turned people against them? Videos like this will help to dismiss those myths. Thank you, uploader!
I come back and watch this video whenever I feel sad. What a perfect baby.
I was wondering how big do they grow as far as weight and are they known to swoop down and bite people and does the light bother their eyes ? Thank you for the great work you do helping these beautiful creatures.
I would name him Bruce.
@ 1:21 Wait, don't you mean the bats need to be vaccinated and the handler needs to be trained? The handler needs to be vaccinated but not the bat?