Buddy and Shelby have come a long way in a year. When PETA’s fieldworker found them, both dogs were filthy and underweight, spending every moment confined to a trash-strewn pen. The canine siblings both tested positive for heartworms, which is extremely common in neglected “backyard dogs,” whose owners often can’t—or won’t—pay for preventive medication. We promptly transferred the winsome canine siblings to the high-traffic, open-admission Virginia Beach SPCA, with which we frequently partner, confident that someone would fall in love with them. We were right. Before long, each was adopted into a new, loving home. Watch what happens when they see each other for the first time after their rescue one year ago.
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Awesome ,thank you for your kindness.May Almighty God bless greatly for your kindness.
They were so happy to see each other!! It's a shame they couldn't had been adopted together.
Awesome people, lucky dogs.
dogs are so CUTE ????
Why would someone dislike the video…….
Thanks for all the support guys (just in case you didn't know, this is the son of the family who rescued Buddy) it really helps to know that we have people in our corner supporting our cause for helping these precious animals. They're not just creatures, they're beings who have needs and wants like the rest of us, and they were both in need of a place to call their home. We hope to adopt & rescue more animals soon 🙂
Thank you PETA ?
Thank you so much peta for caring for all of our animals
very nice ,,,,,play dates together in the future awesome,,,Happy Tails ..
Adorable moment ?
that eyes tho its so cute!
Awe that's so cute I want a dog lol I already have a pug but I wanna rescue a dog
teared me up a bit
How is it possible to cry in a 1.22 minute video? ??
who cut the onions?
This is so beautyful. First comment!
Hall of FAME 🙂
This is great 🙂
Thanks for the cry!
zo mooi
I think I might cry! This is so cute omggg
Poor dogs beibg kept in thet small cage ….. thanks for lettibg them free