Real Unseen scary Ghost Videos , Hospital ghost Caught on Camera , Truly Creepy evidence of the paranormal world
Real Unseen scary Ghost Videos , Hospital ghost Caught on Camera , Truly Creepy evidence of the paranormal world
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The dog is already inside the house why was he tied up?? Why?? Omg thats really sad and scary!! These people are worse.
Only proof that video shows (3:03ish) is that this sweet baby’s owner is a total dbag for keeping him tied to a doorknob where he has no water and can’t even lay down. As well as strangling himself because of watevr it is that’s stressing him out. Why couldn’t the same be shown off leash ?! All in the name of subs and likes, eh. ??
Some people should NOT own animals
Why was the dog tyed up to the door! Animal abuse! Stupid people
Can't see how that first video is manipulated looks like a legitimate full body apparition
I see nothing on the last vidéo
Who ever tied their dog up like that needs the same treatment by a ghost…..tie them up with fear
Thats pure animal cruelty no water no food and a short leash for how long really the dog can't even get away
Just the last video is not clear enough!
I wonder if the first one has any of the characteristics of the doctor that killed himself, because this would be hard to replicate with CGI.
I agree with all comments concerning how the dog was tied to the door. What dropkick would do that?
I didn't like seeing the poor dog tied up
Música chata demais!
Who leaves a dog tied to the door in the house??
Another good one class of art
Now why would anyone tie their dog up in the house. And I didn't see anything, not even when it's pointed out!
Poor dog is terrified… and can't get off his leash…
Why is that poor dog on such a short lash!!!?? So cruel!!
thats messed up treating a dog like that
Oh God so terrific and poor dog…
Poor dog can’t even lay down
Wtf is with the dog being tied up inside?! ?
This was scary. If I had seen that ghost in the hospital I would probably have peed myself. And that demon attack? Oh my, I have rarely seen a spirit that aggessive. I don't know if it was a demon though. Humans can easily be as bad. Just take a look at some gangmembers or so. Just saying…
I hope whoever tied that dog to the door gets the same in hell. Tied down with no escape while evil surronds and attacks them.
Did anybody else see that face @1:15
I whole heatedly agree with the previous commenters. Tethering your dog inside the house?!
Quite frankly I wouldn't give these ass hats so much as a frigging goldfish or a hamster to look after!
the scum used the dog as bait!!!!? MF!!
That first one was really freaky but couldn't understand why that poor dog was tied up to the door.
Poor dog x
In that second one there is another person as they running away.
At 1:14 Someone in the doorway Hover your mouse over timeline 1minute 13, 14 and 15
Unless they were part of the group and was behind them but didnt run?
Te un like..
Sacas buenos videos?..tienes mi apoyo si tu ma apoyas,ok?…y dale campanita