Hello! And welcome to channel “Top 5 Top 10, today we’re going over the #most terrible and deadly natural disasters of today, as well as looking back onl the terrible devastation the forces of nature inflicted throughout human history.
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#tornado #tsunami #naturaldisaster #earthquake #hurricane #volcano #naturaldisasters
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Top 10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen In Ice 1 Part – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qj2rwIVW-A
Top 10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qj2rwIVW-A
Top 10 Most Mysterious Lost Worlds On Planet Earth — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsp71FJCDy0
Top 10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen In Ice — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhI4ET18rBs
Top 10 Animals Found Frozen In Ice — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv7cuDNL7_Q
Top 15 Smallest Animals In The World — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utGk9LQJDLw&list=PLJl4SRlQIzyOroZqEEn85JwMIajlw4N10&index=14&t=0s
Top 5 Most Touching Stories! 5 True Stories! — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX5pG1le2kc
2 Part – 15 Unbelievable Animals That Saved People's Lives – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OevdnUEKcw&list=PLJl4SRlQIzyMYFWShtEdBqSGlWYJn85-f&index=2&t=316s
Top 15 True Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2_t2VXIbfI
Top 10 Unbelievable Animals That Saved People's Lives – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idnyp5XI2DA&list=PLJl4SRlQIzyOroZqEEn85JwMIajlw4N10&index=9
Did you guys see the national geographic sign? Here if ya did
That the impossibal with the tsunami
10/10 voice
9.5/10 music (for not using electronic musics)
10/10 accurate list
10/10 video ?????
Soon we will be living in helicopters
5:43 im pretty sure tht was after WW11
The fitness gram pa-
Oops wrong video..
Overpopulation solved now global warming hmmm
Omg I live in Azerbaijan and you really scared me! Please don’t tell me it can occur again
Bless those souls
Poor cows poor humans poor everyone thats nice and loves jesus died
Hahaha damn ima kill someone before a volcano erupts
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu not the cows
That’s that’s…kind of creepy
That’s the video most scary that I’ve seen!
#3 now thats a disaster.
Hurricane: I’m the deadliest natural disaster and I can kill more people
I mean Hurricanes are the deadliest natural disasters but tsunamis can be more powerful ;-;
I pray for all the families and people, that lost their families and friends. Remember, anything can happen…don’t end it on a bad note!
If you want to survive a super volcano just wear fire protection armor even better if diamond
I live in honduras and yes my mom was in mitch
More like hurricane tortilla
3:20 when yo mama is Honduranian and you now know why she so pressed all the time
drops tortillas 3:03 hurricane Katrina ? More like hurricane tortilla
Sometimes your glad to be a prisoner
So sad like the music makes it worst people dying so much ?
This is why I stick to Britain
We start at #5 with ur mom
9:48 dude helicopter
i saw a taal volcano in September 13 2019
Dude India was Soo lucky right the tsunami just struck the neighboring country's but RIP for those victims that died
Soo we shake volcanoes to make them erupt
Good that my country don’t have earthquakes so I don’t aft to worry about them I’m in Florida you should go there until 2119 when there’s tsunami that wiped out Florida
8:16 and also tsunamis
have prayers for every person
I have been in a sunarmi before also very close to a earthquake
Camera ?
There all horrible and VERY DANGEROUS I hope people are still alive and safe???????????????????????????????⚡☔????????
NJ wins again!
NJ when a disaster happens: are you sure about that?
In Japan my friend died 🙁 because of a giant earthquake and tsunami
I live in latvia and legit nothing happens thats why i like it here but rip those who have died to mother nature
Honourable mention
Meteorite ?
the camera man always survive